3 Ways To Deal With Opponents Who Forget Their Rules

primaris psyker hor wal guard angry frustratedWhether they mean to or not, you’ve probably gone against an opponent who always forgets their rules. Here’s what you can do to help keep things moving…

When you’re playing a game against someone who is consistently getting rules wrong, (or forgetting them), there are a few things you can do to keep the game rolling. Nobody wants to have to keep flipping through a book after they select each unit to activate. Here is what you can do to help.

Plug Their List Into Battlescribe For Rules:

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It might sound grueling (especially going against someone like GSC) but plugging in your opponent’s list is always a possibility. You can open up Battlesribe and as they talk over their army before the game starts, just plug everything in where it needs to be.

Later on in the game, if you feel like some rules are getting forgotten/twisted, just pull your app back up and remind them that this is what it says. Be sure to let them know that it’s not because you suspect them of cheating. Rather, that you just want to keep the flow of the game moving. Also, you shouldn’t have to do this with everybody. Just the people who notoriously forget.

Don’t forget the new app called Buttscribe that can also make this process easier too.

If You Are the One That Forgets- Print Out an Army Roster

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Sometimes you may splurge and get a couple of new units you’ve never played with before. Depending on what they are, their datasheet might be loaded with info. You can do yourself and your opponent a solid and print off an army roster so you can have it at your fingertips. Just flip to the page and keep it handy so you can have all the rules out in front of you.

It prevents you from digging in a book or waiting for an app to load.

Know Your Opponent’s Army

ogor walThis method is just one of those things that come with time. If you’re new, don’t try and overload yourself with knowledge of other armies. Your opponent should be the one to memorize theirs and you should memorize yours. However, in a given time, you should be able to remember the rules from different armies as you’re exposed to them.

Sure, you won’t remember absolutely everything but you might get an ear for the rules. Over time you can tell what rules they may be getting wrong. If you feel like they are messing something up, just be polite and ask them to read the rule or to double-check their datasheet.

Remember at the end of the day, that it’s just a game. Don’t get frustrated, especially when playing against a new player, who doesn’t know the rules. While it might be less than ideal going against someone who gets rules wrong, things just happen sometimes…

Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice…  What do you do with players that consistently forget/get rules wrong?

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