40k Cypher of the Fallen Coming Soon?

Looks like the cat is out of the advent calendar bag, and Cypher is coming soon!

There are also a few other cool releases still to come as well, check out all the details below courtesy of BoLS.

The question is will his rules follow the Spanish rules sheet from Dark Vengeance or will he be… better? -MBG

We can all start to officially get excited.  Look what someone snapped over the weekend.

It would appear everyone’s favorite cloaked gunfighter is only days away…

I think I shall deploy mine out of the back of a Chaos Thunderhawk (Thank you Escalation/Forgeworld) just for extra style points!

Anyone want to take a stab at your best guess for rules and point costs?

There is also this intriguing one…

Maybe rules – maybe not – hmmm…

~So who’s your next hero from the days of yore that needs rules?