40K Death Match MBG Vs. Jawaballs at the Nova Open

Well the time has come once again to get geared up and ready for a big tournament, thusly the Nova Open.

This year there will be a ton of top players on hand to compete in a variety of events, including Death Matches Thurday night, the Invitational on Friday, and the GT on Saturday and Sunday.

Lots to do and see in D.C. this weekend for the Tabletop gamer!

So it seems that me and Jawaballs will be playing Thursday night in one of the “Celebrity” Death Matches at the Nova, and I’m pretty hyped about it.

I haven’t played Chris since my old Long Island days so this should be make for some good old 40k fun (and something to write about a bit). I think I have the lead in victories to our games, but hey there is nothing bad about the new Blood Angels book now either.

I’m still on the fence about what to play against him, as I think Ill be running the Iron Angels for the GT itself, so playing Angels vs. Angels well seems kinda boring (or exciting depending on how you look at it).  That being said I think I may run my Draigo punch Grey Knight Army List against Jawaballs, because 2K seems to be optimal for it’s build.

Lets take another look at the Draigo Punch list, shall we?

This was the last list I posted up on here, but it was at 2500 for ‘ard Boyz, so gotta slim that down a little bit real quick.

Draigo’s Punch!  ~2500

  • Draigo
  • Librarian- Might, Sanctuary, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Stave
  • Paladins x4- Halberd, Hammer, Sword, Apothecary- Stave
  • Paladins x4- Halberd, Hammer, Sword, Apothecary- Stave
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Dreadknight- Jump Pack, Sword
  • Dreadnought- TL Autocannon x2, Psybolts
  • Dreadnought- TL Autocannon x2, Psybolts
  • Stormraven- Extra Armor, TL Las, TL Multi-Melta
  • Stormraven- Extra Armor, TL Las, TL Multi-Melta

Draigo’s Punch!  ~2000 Points

  • Draigo
  • Librarian- Might, Sanctuary, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Stave
  • Paladins x4- Halberd, Hammer, Sword, Apothecary- Stave
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Dreadknight- Jump Pack, Sword
  • Dreadknight- Jump Pack, Sword
  • Dreadnought- Assault Cannon, Psybolts
  • Stormraven- Extra Armor, TL Las, TL Multi-Melta

This list still hits pretty hard, just don’t be afraid to keep the raven in reserves if you line up against a super shooty opponent.

Against Dark Eldar its got some decent shooting at 24″ to keep those Venoms from coming within the 18″ they need to do their thing, but your Dreadknights will be vulnerable to their poison attacks. Probably best to make them scoring with Draigo’s Grand Strategy, or even Outflank them for some disruption because it’s a better than 50/50 chance they will go to the side where you want them!  Don’t forget you can adjust your reserves roll as well with Draigo if he is on the table.

That’s it for today, more ramblings and hobby stuff soon.  Good luck to Chris and all the rest of you at Nova Open this weekend! -MBG

Obligatory shameless plug time- We’re having a huge bits sale over at the Spikey Bits Online Store. All bits items are 20% OFF (yep  20% OFF). Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!

Taking a cue from Tosh.O, you can also follow along with my hobby shenanigans by Joining Me, liking our Facebook, or catching my tweets live from major events!