Ghazghkull Thraka & Ragnar Blackmane have made it to the studio in this second run – check out our unboxing and build!
This week we are unboxing the new minis and seeing what it takes to get them for the tabletop and how big they are. Rob goes over the minis, compares them to other models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!
We are going to show you everything they come with including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!
Ghazghkull Thraka & Ragnar Blackmane: Unboxing & Build
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Well, this is the second run for these minis, and unfortunately, many game stores did not even get their single allocation of them. But, at least you can still get it on the GW website. These are the same minis they ran back in March, but then things shut down. So now is your chance to get them again.
Instructions & Sprues
They have gotten really good at hiding the mold lines, and Ragnar looks pretty easy overall to build. We’ll have to see.
He comes on a single character sprue which makes sense for his size. Overall though, the sprue is super detailed and looks like a fun little build.
The instructions are very well laid out and have tons of different angles to see the mini from. Nothing sticks out right off the bat as a GOTCHA, but let’s try it!
Ghazghkull has a ton of pieces! basically the same size as an entire Termaguant sprue. There is a ton of detail but there are definitely going to be some mold lines to cut off.
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Completed Minis
He is very dynamically posed and full of fun details. Just know, there are all kinds of crazy mold lines on this! Basically, there are mold lines over the entire mini, so beware! But still, once you get past that fact, it is really amazing!
The big Chungus himself! Every little millimeter on this is full of detail! The build actually wasn’t terrible. With how well the instructions were laid out, if you pay attention you’ll make it through. The main thing to watch out for is the gap running down the middle of the helmet, other than that, it all fits together well and covers up its own mold lines and gapping.
Even the Makari mini is pretty sweet, kind of an old-school throwback vibe.
Size Comparisons
Ragnar is bigger than a Primaris, but not by a crazy amount.
He doesn’t even look that small when compared to this awesome Gorkanaut Stiff Neck Studios painted up for us.
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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.