40k JOYTOY Action Figures: New Black Templars & More

Joytoy black termplars 40k figuresIt’s official, more new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures have been spotted, including Black Templars, Victrix Guard, and more!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect! While they aren’t up for sale quite yet, they are awesome.

It’s actually cool to see another named character coming to the line, so if you play Black Templars or Ultramarines, you can order all of these right now!

New JOYTOY Black Templars & Victrix Guard 40k Action Figures

Black Templars JOYTOY 2


Black Templars JOYTOY 3All the models are a little similar to each other but will have a ton of weapon options!

Black Templars JOYTOY 4


Black Templars JOYTOY 5It’s pretty cool they are giving all the chains to keep the weapons held on. We’ll just have to see how they fit overall.

Black Templars JOYTOY 6


Black Templars JOYTOY 7This guy has all the weapon options! Well, there are only two load-outs, but we’re not complaining, especially when there is a plasma pistol.

Black Templars JOYTOY 8


Black Templars JOYTOY 9Last but not least, there will be four new styles included in this wave, so there is plenty for Black Templars players to get excited about!

Victrix Guard


Victrix Guard 2Considering Marneus is on the way, you know we must also see the Victrix Guard! From the looks of it, they will have a decent number of parts, which is always good to see!

Get 10% Ordering JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

These items are only available currently on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! JOYTOY Flyima


JOYTOY Flyima 3

JOYTOY Flyima 2

The items below are currently available from multiple sellers, check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

Joytoy new wave

You can click any of the links below to grab yours now, plus you can save 10% if you order from Flyima and get them shipped faster to your door directly from Asia as well!

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Are you picking any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? What is your favorite?

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