40k Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol Value Breakdown

Is-this-Worth-It-votaan-leagues-combat-patrol-boxThere is a ton of value in the new Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol; here is our price breakdown and review of the box.

Remember, these Combat Patrol box sets are mostly designed for new players to the factions. They are similar to the old Start Collecting Sets that GW introduced back in 2016 and marketed as a quick way to get a small force on the table to play some small games right away.

Usually, these starter-style kits are a pretty good value, so even if you grabbed the army box already, this could be a decent value.

Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol: $150

The image of the Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol contents from their codex was right on the money!

Combat Patrol Leagues of Votann


It looks pretty similar to the Leagues of Votann army box with two main changes. First, they took out the second squad of warriors and the other character. Replacing that is 5 Berserks (including the mole cannon option).

  • 10 Hearthkyn Warriors $55 ($55 for ten)
  • Jetbikes $60
  • Uthar the Destined/Kâhl $38 
  • Berserks $60 

Total Estimated Value: $213

Estimated Savings Versus $150 Box Price: $68

Is the Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol Worth it?

leagues of votann all models

This looks to be a great box for the money because of the value of the Berserks miniatures. If you did grab the army box, you’ll be doubling up on a lot of units, but nothing wrong with more miniatures to start out with.

Adding in the Berserks puts the overall value breakdown of the Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol close to what GW strives for in every combat patrol and will probably be worth the pickup if you want the models inside.

If you love everything Squats, check out the latest on the new Leagues of Votann below.

What do you think of the value breakdown of the new Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol for Warhammer 40k? 

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