40k Rogue Trader RPG Goodies On Humble Bundle For Less!

rogue trader humble bundleHumble Bundle is back for 40k and RPG fans alike with a new batch of books! Check out Cubicle 7’s list of RPG books for cheap!

If you didn’t know, Humble Bundle is constantly updating their site with extreme deals for short periods of time. In this wave, you can find a whole list of grimdark 40k RPG books based around Rogue Traders! Here’s what donating will get you.

Keep in mind that at the time of writing this, there is just over nineteen days worth of time before the offer ends.

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Rogue Trader Goodies Comes to Humble Bundle Latest!

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If you’re a fan of RPGs, 40k, and more specifically, Rogue Traders, this Humble Bundle is bringing a ridiculous amount of goodies to the table.

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Cubicle 7 is the parent company of all of these RPGs and if you donate just $1, you get four books AND a 20% off coupon for Cubicle 7’s webstore products.

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If you’re feeling more generous, the amount of what you get only goes up. With most RPG books costing in the area of $35+, you’re getting nine books for under $10 total.

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If you decide to go in all-in and pay just under $20, you get a total of twenty-two RPG Rogue Trader books and a 20% off coupon for Cubicle 7 items. This deal is fantastic but remember, it’s only going to last till around mid-November. If you’ve got a local playgroup that loves RPGs, why not give the Rogue Trader universe a shot while it’s at an unbeatable deal!

Which is your favorite RPG Rogue Trader book? Do you have a local RPG group that you play with regularly?

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