40k’s A-10 Warthog: Vulture & Sparrowhawk Showcase

sparrow hawkCome see the Vulture, the one guard aircraft in 40k that is definitely their version of the A-10 Warthog. Get ready to BRRRRRRT your problems off the table.

Looking for a high-speed, low altitude flyer that’s easy to assemble and looks fantastic with any Imperial Guard army? Take a look at the Vulture Gunship to solve all your firepower needs.

40k’s A-10 Warthog Imperial Guard Vulture Showcase

The Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship is a resin and plastic Forge World model for the Imperial Guard, which is great for a centerpiece of any guard. Take a look at this collaborated paint job by Rob Baer and Kenny Boucher from Next Level Painting.

a-10 vultureVulture Gunships have an optional Punisher Cannon which makes it look pretty friggin’ sweet. Plus, it gives you 40 shooting attacks in-game that absolutely shreds things like screens, Boyz, and Acolyte Hybrids.  Its glass canopy has a cool blue fade effect to give the model some contrast from the weathering and pale blue-grey paint coat.

a-10 vulture 2


a-10 vulture 3The weathering details on the ship and guns give a great “used” look and fit really well in the grimdark future. Can you really expect anything less from anything in a firefight longer than 30 seconds with all the advanced technology between all the big swingers in 40k?

In a meta of screens and annoying objective grabbers, the Vulture is an awesome answer. It can zip ahead and unload a flurry of dakka all for a relatively low points cost. But because 40k is in such a strong shooting meta right now, you might want to bring more than one of these.

Hobby Conversion Bonus: Rob’s Sparrowhawk Model

rob sparrowhawk 1Made out of spare bits from a bunch of different kits, Rob made a smaller, jetfighter version he dubbed “The Sparrowhawk”.

Painted up in pretty much the same style, it’s got a nose-mounted punisher cannon and a couple of rockets for wargear. It’s definitely one of the more crisp conversions out there.

If you want to get an even closer look at the video, take a look at the entire showcase below.

What’s your favorite flyer in 40k? How many do you run in your games? Have you converted any custom flyers for your army? 

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