40k’s Version of the A-10 Warthog

vulture vs warthog a-10

Come see the one fighter in Warhammer 40k that is definitely the grim dark’s version of the A-10 Warthog in today’s hobby showcase.

Looking for a high-speed, low altitude flyer that’s easy to assemble and looks fantastic with any Imperial Guard army? Take a look at the Vulture Gunship in this painted figure showcase!

The Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship is a resin and plastic Forge World model for the Imperial Guard, which is great for a centerpiece of any guard. Take a look at this collaborated paint job by Rob Baer and Kenny Boucher from Next Level Painting.

vulture showcaseBe sure to watch the entire video below to see the kitbashed Sparrowhawks, derived from the Vulture itself!

Warhammer 40k’s Version of the A-10 Warthog


Vulture Gunships have an optional Punisher Cannons (sold separately of course), which makes it look pretty awesome, and gives you 40 shooting attacks in game.  Its glass canopy design looks fantastic, the heavy bolter on the front swivels, and the kit itself normally comes with multi-laser and hellfire missiles.

The weathering details on the ship and guns give a great used look and fit really well in the grimdark future.

The rules for the Vulture are in the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of the Astra Militarum book and don’t seem that impressive overall at first glance. The ship is PL 11, 160 points, hits on 4+ (unless it is a ground target, then it hits on 3+), strength and toughness seven and has 14 wounds. Regimental doctrines do not affect this unit. These models can be affected by psychic effects, though, so friendly Psykers can buff it.  That little tactic can give it -2 to hit if it is in range of a psyker with Nightshroud, or +1 to its save depending on which power you use.

Its real strength lies in its maneuverability, allowing you to pick up Recon in ITC missions, and place the 24″ cannons reliably with its 20″ normal move.

The Gunship can be purchased from Forge World for £68, with the additional Punisher Cannons being an extra £14. Take a look at the entire showcase by pressing play on the video below!