5 New Sets of Space Marine Primaris Rules REVEALED!

primaris book cover hor marine

New Primaris Space Marine rules are here! Don’t miss the Warhammer 40k rules and miniature lineup for the Shadowspear box that were just spotted!

Games Workshop has been pushing the Primaris train right along as we head into 2019 with new models previewed at the Las Vegas Open.

Before we break down the rumored new model rules, refresh yourself on some rumors spotted earlier from Warhammer Community and more:

New Primaris Units in Space Marine 2.0 Codex

REMEMBER: This recap is still just rumors so take everything with a grain of salt.

Primaris Grav Captain

Going by the rumors and wishlisting, Primaris may be getting:

  • Primaris Vehicle with heavy-hitting turret-mounted options
  • Some kind of small flyer
  • A Primaris medium transport (something along the line of a rhino).
  • Faster one-man vehicles (Maybe something like Bikes or Land Speeders).
  • Primaris Melee assault squads with Terminator-equivalent wargear.

We had also reported that there may be a new Primaris box set on the way with some new models inside for 40k.

Going by the rumor:

This isn’t the first time, however, we’ve heard about some Primaris Rumors for Vigilus though:


Previously according to an anonymous source

Heard, that Vigilus’ call for aid will be answered by…
A brand new chapter of the Ultima founding i.e. a NAMED Primaris chapter  
with special characters, unique strategems and warlord traits etc.

Not a huge model release apparently, beyond the new characters and a new  
repulsor variant, but who knows?

We’ve been saying for a while now that all Primaris need to send them over the “hump” into competitive play is a points reduction and speed.

As of right now, the only way to get your Primaris up the board is with a transport. We have the Repulsor but it just costs too much for what it does. If Primaris had different routes players could take in terms of mobility, then they would be a lot more potent.

rumor engine 9-4-18

Could this rumor engine from a while back be the tail end of the Primaris medium transport? It has the rounded hull/hovercraft-like design to be some kind of Light Primaris tank. Hopefully, this is either a Primaris Rhino equivalent or maybe a new kind of cheap assault tank. Both would be welcomed with open arms.

Rumored New Primaris Rules from Shadowspear

Spotted in a write-up on Reddit, these rumored rules are making the rounds this weekend!

Hey there everybody! So I got to look at the rules for Shadowspear early. I don’t want to post the actual pictures of the rules, as to not trace them back to my source that sent them to me, but I do have some info.

Vanguard Librarian

vanguard librarian

Librarian in Phobos Armour (HQ) : Librarian that can set up anywhere more than 9″ away from enemy deployment zone and models. Also has a camo cloak, which adds 2 to saving throws in cover.

Captain Acheran in Phobos Armor

primaris vanguard shadowspear

Captain in Phobos Armour (HQ): Same as Librarian, but is a captain. Armed with Master-Crafted Instigator Bolt-Carbine (what a mouthful). S4, AP-2, 2 damage, can target characters even if they’re not the closest. Has combat knife too, same as Reivers.

Primaris Lieutenant

Yet to be revealed he could be the model pictured here:

Lieutenant in Phobos Armour (HQ) : Same as above. Has Master-Crafted Occulus Bolt Carbine, S4, AP0, D2, units don’t get cover saves against it. Also has a combat knife.

Primaris Eliminators

primaris eliminators

Eliminator Squad (Heavy Support): Squad of 3. They have bolt sniper rifles, two different ammo types. Both are heavy 1, 36″ and S4. Executioner rounds are AP-2, D3 damage and rolls of 6 do mortal wounds. Mortis rounds are AP-1, 1 damage, can target units that aren’t visible, they don’t get cover and add 2(!) to hit rolls with these rounds. Also, have the abilities of the librarian.

Primaris Infiltrators


Also yet to be revealed, they may resemble the model in the foreground of the Shadowspear art:

Infiltrator Squads (Troops) : Squad of 5, can have up to 10 with an Infiltrator Helix Adept. Armed with Marksman Bolt Carbine, Rapid Fire 1, S4, AP0, 1 damage. Each unmodified hit of 6 does an instant hit and wound. Helix Adept is basically an apothecary, it can heal or revive a model from the unit.

Primaris Suppressors:

shadowspear video teaser 1

Yet to be revealed officially, but we have seen art and they are in the datasheet footer image below are the Primaris Suppressors:

Suppressor Squad (Fast Attack): Squad of 3, can deep strike with the grav-chutes. 12″ movement. They have Accelerator Autocannons, heavy 2, S7, AP-2, 2 damage. Also, when they kill a model in a unit, that unit can’t shoot until the end of the turn (so I guess it cancels out overwatch?).

To show the authenticity of these rumors, the OP also included the Datasheet for the Suppressor Squad as well as well:

The models pictured in the art above seem to be in the footer of the datasheet, along with what appears to terrain or possibly the rumored primaris skimmer we had been hearing about as well. Note no skimmer was listed in the rumored contents of the box.

Regardless of however Games Workshop decides to dish out the Primaris support in the coming weeks, we know we have loads in store for us in 2019

And don’t forget there are new Chaos models on the way too, that are getting a ton of new models as well…

What are your thoughts of the Primaris in 8th edition? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby group.