5 New Space Marine Units We Want GW To Announce At NOVA

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumors-1The Space Marines are next on deck for new models, in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, and here is what we would like to see previewed at the NOVA Open!

The Space Marines lost the chance to get their minis revealed first, but it looks like we’ll see all of them at the NOVA Open. Even though they still have a lot of new minis already from Leviathan Games Workshop promised a big reveal. Plus, if the Tyranids’ side is anything to go on, we still have a lot of new miniatures to see!

Well, before we dive into it, the list is based on rumors, so that means they aren’t 100% certain, but based on what we’ve heard (and maybe are hoping for), here are some units we could see revealed at the NOVA Open!

New Space Marines Models We Would Like to See Revealed at NOVA


Let’s start with one we’ve been hearing rumors about forever, Jump Primaris Marines! We’ve been hearing this rumor for almost two years now. Generally, when you hear a rumor for this long and so many sources talking about it, there has to be something to it.

Either way, it only makes sense for Primaris to get some kind of assault jump-pack guys as we know, firstborn assault marines are going to legends when the codex drops.

Plastic Thunderhawk

Thunderhawk GunshipLook, we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Give us a plastic Thunderhawk for 40k! There isn’t much supporting this other than our hope that it happens. So… let’s pretend that’s enough for GW to make the kit.

Considering they made one for AI, why not just do it for 40k eventually?

New Scouts

sm scouts

Considering the old models are moving to legends, this gives GW a perfect opportunity to rework the unit! Not only that, but we’ve heard rumors about Scouts taking on Howling Banshees in a new Kill Team box.

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shotThey already have the Neophyte models for Black Templars, so it would be pretty easy for GW to just take them and give them a slight rework.

Plus, GW already took the Pyreblasters and turned them into an entire squad for all Space Marines so why not with the scouts? It would be sad to see such an iconic unit leave the line for good.

New Command Group

Heroes of the Chapter

Again, this is another one we’ve heard rumors about, and from the sounds of it, there will be a command box with new Ancients, a Champion, a multi-part Commander (like the Lieutenant), and multi-part Veterans.

Honestly, new character models are always fun, and this could be a really good way to get a bunch of unique minis in one buy!


Sky-hunter SquadronLook, they can make a tank fly (or hover), but they drive around on bikes with wheels? It just doesn’t make sense to take a bike across the galaxy when the terrain varies so much; just make a jetbike already! They have them in Horus Heresy; let us have them in 40k!

Seriously though, these could be such amazing minis, and we would love to see them. Our hopes aren’t high, but there’s always a chance!

The Best Tank to Rule Them All

repulsor meme


We have the Gladiator, but this is the bad boy we all want to see! Put every gun you can find in your bits box and call it a day!

Just think of all the conversion possibilities that the sprues for this would offer. It might cost 800 points, but it’s an alpha strike list all on its own!

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All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What Space Marine models do you want to be revealed at the NOVA Open?

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