6 Things GW Wants You To Know About Phobos Marines

primaris warl hor reiverInfiltrators and the alternate-build Incursors are just around the corner. Here are the key 40k rules takeaways for each new Primaris unit.

Warhammer Community reiterated some of the key reasons why you might take Infiltrators or Incursors over the other Troops choices for Marines. Check out these highlights and let us know what fits into your list!

Infiltrator Highlights

InfiltratorsInfiltrators are the most expensive Troops choice to the Space Marines clocking in at 22 pts per model. That might seem steep for a unit that’s only T4 and two-wounds. However, they’ve got some incredible toolbox aspects. On top of an auto-wounding boltgun on 6’s to hit, they have:

phobos 1First of all, they can start the games out of your deployment zone and halfway up the board. That means that before the first model is even moved, these guys are already sitting on an objective scoring you points.

phobos 2On top of that, against lists like GSC and other deepstrike-dependant armies, these guys will be their bane. Nothing can come up within 12″ when it comes in as reinforcements meaning that it’s actually just impossible to make a charge. Rules state that a target must be within 12″ to be selected for a charge (unless you’re Jain Zar now maybe).

phobos 3As far as the helix adept goes, he’s a built-in Apothecary for your units. However, he’s 10 pts more expensive and only brings someone back on a 5+. With a points increase and a less than 50% chance to do anything, he’s usually not worth bringing at all. He’s more than likely just going to slip in his Brother’s blood, fall down and get shot, not dealing any damage himself in the game at all.

phobos 4Another cool thing about this unit is that Phobos Lieutenants and Captains can give these guys their reroll auras even outside of 6″. An combined with a Phobos Librarian letting them reroll hits and making them untargettable, Infiltrators can really do a lot in a 10-man unit.

Incursor Highlights

Incursor Primaris

Incursors are built from the Infiltrator kits with slightly different cosmetics and rules. Being slightly cheaper than Infiltrators at 19 pts a pop, they’re still up there in cost. The cool thing about these guys is that they can still infiltrate up the board and even get special wargear over the Infiltrators boltguns.

incursor 1


incursor 2Incursors have boltguns that ignore cover (so probably not the best overall option for Imperial Fists in min/maxing value), but they also always ignore any hit modifiers. Against some Dark Eldar/Harlequin lists where units can be -3 to hit, these guys won’t ever care.

Plus, these guys get exploding 6’s to hit in melee making them a pretty surprisingly potent brawler unit if it comes down to it. Primaris units get 2 attacks base and with the Shock Assault rule, they can really leave stuff with a bloody nose.

incursor 3

Finally, they can pay 10 pts for a Haywire mine which is 10x better than the +10 pts for a Helix Adept, giving you the option of doing D3+1 mortal wound on a 2+. People have been spending 1CP for D3 mortal wounds from a Heavy Bolter. Paying 10 pts isn’t even on the spectrum of value in terms of a single Cp. We may be seeing MSUs of Incursors dropping mines before they rush into combat in the near future.

With all of this covered, which unit will you be using more in your army? Do you like the denying aspect of Infiltrators holding an objective? Or do you like the aggressive mine deployment Incursors can do?

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