Space Marine Heroes Series I Miniatures Revealed

space marine wal hor wideGW just announced the seven new Space Marine Heroes that were debuted at a Toy Show in Japan. Come take a look at these new collectibles.

The new Space Marine Heroes are exclusive to Japan for now, but Games Workshop was a little unclear if these models will be available later to everyone else or not. So now we have twelve total new exclusive models available with what looks to be six more on the way (shaded out with black in the images below).

Tokyo Toy Fair Marines Web

More information looks to be coming soon on another website that GW has created dedicated to these new Space Marine Heroes,

Space Marines Heroes Series I

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Images Courtesy of Warhammer Harajuku

Space Marine Heores

On show at the Tokyo Toy Show today are a new squad of Space Marine Heroes. This new series of individually collectable miniatures have been designed especially for Japan and there will be more information about how they’ll be available very soon.

Space Marine Heores

Each of these iconic models depicts a Space Marine from a Tactical Squad with a unique slant – there is a mix of weapons in there, as well as a comms specialist, marksman, grenadier and a Sergeant.

Space Marine Heores

At the moment, these models will only be available in Japan, but don’t worry, the rest of you will have no shortage of new Space Marines over the coming weeks either.

Space Marine Heores

These new Space Marine Heroes are looking very sweet and makes you wonder why Games Workshop decided to make them Japan exclusive models. I am sure with the new edition coming out soon it would be nice to have twelve new heroes to choose from for your new Ultramarines army.

Here’s a few more closeups on the first batch of these Marines we saw back in May officially from GW

Space Marines 12 Heroes Collect

Almost two months ago, we first got a preview of these 12 Space Marine Heroes, and they’re now making it to Games Workshop stores across Japan.

Warhammer Harajuku posted a couple of pictures of their display; let’s take a look:

12 Space Marine Heroes

If those bases are 32mm like the current Tactical kit, do you think these marines are significantly taller and wider than their multi-part kit counterparts pictured below?

space marines tactical sq

Current Space Marine Tactical Squad

12 Space Marine Heroes12 Space Marine Heroes

Series one of the Space Marine Heroes series is now available for customers in Japan and they’re looking great! Is that a rocket leaving the barrel of the rocket launcher? We’re also seeing the blue plastic again, is Games Workshop doing away with their normal grey, or is this the case of the Vedros “starter push-fit” marines?

What do you think about these new Space Marines Heroes? Should they be available everywhere instead of being dedicated to just one region? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

What do you think about the new Space Marines Heroes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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