9th Edition 40k Box Set: New Miniatures & More!

9th-edition-box-set-preview-starter-set-40kDon’t miss all the new Necron and Space Marine Primaris Miniatures that are coming in the new 9th Edition 40k Starter Box and beyond!

The BIG online 40k GW Preview for the new 9th Edition box set miniatures and contents came and went with some pretty big reveals. Games Workshop showed a ton of new models on Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community for not just the new Box set, but also for releases later on.

warhammer 40k previewSure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

Indomitus box armiesWithout going too in-depth we see 2-3 troop squads, 2-3 elites, 2-3 characters, and then some (we are looking at you, giant walker) faster models for EACH side! This box is looking to be massive.

According to GW there is a ton of value packed in this box:

In case you lost track, that’s 61 push-fit miniatures, 1 exclusive launch edition Core Book, the assembly guide and transfer sheet, and the Edge of Silence book with all the rules for your models. We actually packed it so full that we couldn’t fit any dice or tape measures inside – but we know you already have some.  

Check out the profile view of the contents from the Instruction manual that shows all the new 9th Edition 40k box set miniatures:

40k 9th starter box instruction sheetThey also indicated this box set is not for starting out, this box is for existing players and collectors of Warhammer 40k.

Besides those tidbits, we also got a cool spotlight video showing off some of the models…



Indomitus Overview: Necrons

Indomitus Necron Warriors & Royal WardenThis has got some warriors plus one of the new characters, the Royal Warden! While we don’t know much about him, we can assume he might have something to do with his warrior buddies that he is next too. Maybe he will buff them a bit?

Indomitus Skorpekh LordThe Skorpekh Lord is another character for the Necrons we got to look at. All the images we have seen of this guy so far are the same loadout, but at least judging by his size he will pack a big punch.

Indomitus Skorpekh Destroyers


Indomitus Skorpekh Destroyers 2Then we have two images of the not-so-mini versions of the Skorpekh Lord, these are the Skorpekh Destroyers. There appears to be three of them in the box just by looking at the first image we saw.

Indomitus ScarabsThere were also Scarabs in the video. It looks like we’ll be getting 6 total in the box, a solid amount to get started.

Indomitus Plasmancer & CryptothrallsA Plasmancer and the  Cryptothralls are the next units for the Necrons. Both of them are brand new and we know nothing about it! The Plasmancer is most likely a character and the Cryptothralls are likely elites perhaps? Who knows.

Indomitus Overview: Space Marines

Our favorite boys in blue also have plenty to look forward too.

Indomitus Bladeguard Ancient & EradicatorsThis includes two new units in the Bladeguard Ancient and the Eradicators (bottom left and right). First off that new banner on the Ancient is sweet! The Eradicators don’t seem too interesting, but a heavy weapons Primaris elite is a welcomed sight.

Indomitus Primaris ChaplainIndomitus is also giving us a Primaris Chaplain! With all the new litanies we have gotten in Psychic Awakening a new Chaplain is definitely in order! Now your newly update armies can also have newly updated models to follow suit.

Indomitus JudiciarMy personally favorite model the Judiciar was also spot-lighted. In a similar vein as the Master of Executions, we saw CSM get one with their update, this guy looks like he is on a mission to lop off some heads!

Indomitus Primaris CaptainLastly, we got a sweet shot of the new Primaris Captain. Featuring the new helmet and armor designs we see featured on the new veterans.

Indomitus Primaris Captain closeThis captain is no joke. What a perfect model to lead your new melee primaris forces into battle. Just look at that Stormshield!

Exclusive 9th Edition 40k Core Rulebook

9th Edition 40k exclusive rulebookAlso included in the new box set is this exclusive version of the 9th Edtion rules!

Not to be outdone with just the contents of the box set, it looks like there is also FOUR new units on the way for the forces inside as well!

Necron Lokhust Heavy Destroyer & Canoptek Doomstalker

We had seen them before in leaked images but feast your eyes on the new Necron Lokhust Heavy Destroyer and the Canoptek Doomstalker!


Lokhust Heavy Destroyers whiteFitted with advanced optics and wielding gauss destructors and enmitic exterminators, Lokhusts are programmed to erase the heaviest opposition. Those powerful jets make them highly mobile, and the long reach of their weapons means they’ll be taking out their quarry and making for an especially resilient target. 

Long-range heavy hitters with mobility means these will be able to dish out the pain while mitigating the damage they take too.

Lokhust Heavy DestroyerThe Destroyers of old packed a big punch, so these new and improved ones are sure to deliver in a similar fashion.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer actionNothing like a one-man tank just hanging out, chilling in your army, ready to rain down some serious pain.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer action 2

Canoptek Doomstalker

Canoptek Doomstalker white

The colossal Doomsday Blaster mounted to the back of these leggy constructs can be fired on the move, or they can remain stationary to unleash its full cataclysmic potential. If anyone gets too close, auxiliary twin gauss flayers add a little extra hurt. 

There seems to be a hint that they won’t be able to move and fire heavy weapons, or at least they will get a bonus to standing still and shooting. Either way with a name like Doomsday Blaster, it’s sure to deal out a metric ton of damage.

Canoptek DoomstalkerNecrons will also be another model to the new lineup of walkers they are getting. Unlike its reanimating brother, this one appears to be trying to deal some damage.

Canoptek Doomstalker & Canoptek Reanimator Speaking of other walkers, here we can see the two next to each other as they would be in the same army! Looks like the Destroyer is slightly larger, even without including the giant cannon on top.

It looks like this is just the beginning of the Necron new release cycle for 2020 as we have seen these two models before.photato upgraded Plus, two of their bigger releases were included on the other half of this image:

Two New Space Marine Primaris Units Announced

No one expected these new 2 new Primaris Space Marine units for Warhammer 40k- the Firestrike Servo-Turret and the Invader ATV!

Hot on the heels of the new 9th Edition Box set previews, new units have been spotted that perhaps will supplement the new set that is on the way soon.  Space Marines are getting two brand new heavy-looking options in the form of a turret and a new vehicle. There were also some hints on Warhammer Community to how they might play in a game!

Firestrike Servo-Turret

Firestrike Servo-turret white

Mounting either a twin accelerator autocannon or twin las-talon, and crewed by one of the Emperor’s finest, your enemies will think twice about taking on a Firestrike Servo-turret. Hold the line while the more mobile elements of your army leap into the fray! 

With this quote, GW confirmed two weapon options for the new primaris turret!

Judging by the small size and only one being showcased, this model should be pretty easy to squeeze into a list. Also, the barrel would hopefully suggest some pretty decent range. More options in the primaris army lineup may be a good thing, even if it’s just a simple turret!

Firestrike Servo-Turret action shotThat blast shield is huge, you can’t even see the operator from the front side!

Invader ATV

Invader ATV white

Invaders can go anywhere your Outriders can go, and you can arm them with either an onslaught gatling cannon or a multi-melta to lay down some serious supporting firepower in a hurry.

Looks like these will play very similarly to the bikes, however with more firepower of course.

Invader ATVThe new vehicle is definitely going to be more expensive point-wise and will at least be much faster than the turret!

Invader ATV action shotOther than the open nature of the chassis, there are some serious Dark Knight Returns Batman Tumbler vibes coming off of this.

Looking at this the ATV will be about 2-3 bikes wide and about the same length as one.

Invader ATV with bikesSpeaking of bikes, there’s a clean look at what an army including both might look like on the field.

However, with all the Necron and Primaris stuff previewed, we’ll be diving more into the sprues and all the newly revealed units soon! 

What’s your favorite new Necron and Marine miniatures for the 9th Edition 40k box? Are you looking forward to one side more than the other?  How much do you think this new Box Set will cost?

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