9th Edition 40k Codex Roadmap & Timeline REVEALED!

40k Road MapGW has been teasing the upcoming codexes, but with the new 40k codex roadmap just revealed we now know what’s coming and when!

Looks like the Necrons and Space Marines won’t be able to rub their fancy new codexes in everyone’s faces for long! As Warhammer Community just revealed the release of codexes through January of 2021.

With all the new Marine minis coming out it only makes sense they get the next two books. After that though, some other factions are getting some love! Let’s dive deeper into the release schedule!

40k Codex Roadmap Revealed

40k codex Road mapHere is the timeline for the releases.

November 2020:

  • Deathwatch
  • Space Wolves

First up are the two Marine supplements. Nothing surprising there, but both Space Wolves and Deathwatch are going to be getting some new rules and toys very soon! We’re not sure what type mini of releases will be going along with the books, but maybe another special character or two?

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December 2020:

  • Blood Angels
  • Death Guard

Next, there’s the Death Guard which have already had two models showcased. It looks like there’s some kind of Plague Furnace terrain piece as well as the new Lord of Virulence. No stats on these guys, but as for the Lord of Virulence, he’s got what looks to be a double-barrel Plaguespitter and a Power Fist.

death guard new terrain 1


Lord of VirrulenceAgain, nothing shocking as we knew they were in the works. It’s nice to see something other than a Space Marine codex in there, however! In an earlier post we saw all four of these books announced, just not the exact schedule.

January 2021:

  • Imperial Codex: Dark Angels?
  • Xenos Codex

This is where things get interesting! The January releases are teased but with the names of the factions redacted. GW announced that Dark Angles will be getting a codex early in 2021 so we are going to assume that’s what it is for now. However, the art looks like it is just a place holder to not give it away. With a strong imperial theme, we could even get something like an Imperial Agents book. Dark Angels seem to be the safest guess for now, though.

The Xenos book has tons of possibilities, however!

Xenos Codex Speculations

Xenos ArtworkAs for the Xenos book, the cover art was taken from artwork in the rulebook. We are also saying this is placeholder art to not reveal too much, so we don’t want to read too far into the cover. There are a ton of Xenos races to choose from, but some races haven’t had a book, or line update, in a really long time.

We’re looking at you Tyranids! As a Dark Eldar player, I’m just going to say that’s some kind of Haemonculus creation and that has to be it, right? In all seriousness though, they haven’t really given too many hints with that artwork or the post.

If you look back at 8th edition releases to get some more info, Tyranids were one of the first codexes put out back in November of 2017. That book will be over three years old by the time 2021 rolls around, so they are definitely in contention. The next oldest book is the Craftworld Eldar book. While that artwork doesn’t look Craftworldy, we can’t read too much into that. Their book will also be over three years old by the time the new codex comes out, so they also have a good shot at getting an update. The good news is, we probably won’t have to wait too long now to see what they are at least!

Let’s hear what GW has to say about the roadmap:

As you can see, we’re releasing these new codexes at quite some pace! So if your favorite army isn’t mentioned above, don’t worry, you won’t have long to wait until you get your incredible new codex. This is set to be an exciting time for fans of every faction in the 41st Millennium. 

Let’s hope they stick to that sentiment and keep the codexes coming!

RUMORS: New 40k Model Releases With 9th Codex Books

What do you think the Xenos Codex is? Are you excited to see some of the other marine Chapters getting their own books?

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