RUMORS: New Death Guard Terrain & Lord 40k Rules

new-death-guard-modelsDeath Guard have at least two new models coming soon, check out the new terrain and lord models and our thoughts on their codex rules for 9th Edition.

Previews rocked the web over the weekend for all kinds of factions in 40k. Taking a step deeper into the Death Guard, it looks like they’ve got a new character, terrain piece, and codex coming down the pike shortly.

With that said, we’ll be looking into the potential rules and details associated with their faction terrain.

RUMORS: New Death Guard Terrain & Lord 40k Rules


death guard codexThe Death Guard have been one of the first Chaos factions revealed to be getting their codex. But they’re not just getting rules- they’ve also just had a couple of models revealed the codex preview.

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Lord of Virrulence



rumor engine 6-23-20


rumor engine 6-9-2020


rumor engine 7-7-20Spotted within the previews and codex announcement video, we’ve got this new Death Guard Lord of Virulence, which has been a part of some rumor engines over the past month or so. As far as cosmetics go, it looks like he’ll probably have some kind of auto-hitting Plaguespitter and a Power Fist.

But since he was pictured with Deathshroud, its possible he will be able to buff them a bit better save or FNP wise (which in turn helps Morty), and also have offensive shooting potential as well.

Terrain Spotted But Not Mentioned

death guard new terrain 1Purposely put into the Death Guard showcase video and not mentioned, there’s also what looks to be some new faction terrain for the Death Guard. What’s a better name than Plague Furnace? While we don’t know anything beyond what the model will look like, it’s literally a furnace for the Death Guard.

As far as rules go, it’s a complete shot in the dark but with Death Guard being stinky and toxic, we could guess something like a mortal wound aura within a certain amount of inches? Or maybe a -1 to hit aura because it’s pumping out toxic smoke?  Since 9th is all about objectives, perhaps they will be able to scene off and babysit objectives or buff units guarding them a bit better.

Both of these suggestions are popular mechanics within the Death Guard/Nurgle line already so it’s not that far out- TBH, we’d love to see +CP abilities for faction terrain as well.

primaris hammerfall bunker walWith factions like Sisters of Battle, Chaos Marines, Space Marines, Necrons, Orks, and now Death Guard having terrain, we can confidently say that it’s only a matter of time before all 40k factions get their own terrain piece.

It looks like it’ll be a two-model kit with one central furnace and a smaller secondary one.

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What kind of rules would you like to see this terrain piece come with? How many points do you think it’ll cost?

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