A Deeply Embedded Splinter: Army of One

When the Genestealer Cults infiltrate a world, sometimes the infiltrate so far there is no going back for the planet.

Come see one amazing model brought to us by Scott Frazier on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Should be able to put this project to bed tomorrow. These tanks certainly are huge and I’m happy to add it as the centerpiece model to my GSC Brood Brothers. Cheers.

Sometimes they are able to infiltrate a Forge World. When that happens it will be a really bad day.

They then can gain access to some of the Imperium’s finest weapons.

A Genestealer is scary enough with just claws and talons.

Imagine how bad it would be if they also had access to tanks and the like.

“This is ours now!”

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