A Hot Fire New Weapon Teaser: GW Rumor Engine Preview

rumor engine sept 10th 2024GW’s latest rumor engine preview clearly includes a crude hand-made weapon with an interesting blade, but what faction will it be for?

A Hot Fire New Weapon Teaser For GW Rumor Engine Preview

Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see what Games Workshop has in store when it’s finally revealed. Let’s check out what it could be and try to guess until then!  Here’s the latest Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. As usual, there are some interesting possibilities for what it could be! 

rumor engine 09-10-2024

Looking at this bit, it is very clearly a bladed weapon with ridges that seem to imitate fire! Two options that immediately came to mind are Orks and Necromunda, where gangs make do with what they can!

warcry warband

Something we always gotta keep in mind are the specialist games! This old warband for Warcry has some metal that resembles this engine bit, but we haven’t seen a unique warband like this get two releases so far apart before, so expect something new.

Still, though… who knows? Curve balls happen, and specialist games usually get some super unique models. We will have to wait and see!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

Could this new GW Rumor Engine be a new unique specialist game release or is it something else?