Aaron Aleong Speaks – The Truth Behind Adepticon 2016

By Kenny Boucher | April 8th, 2016 | Categories: Long War TV, Podcast, Warhammer 40k News, Webcast

adepticon 2016

Come see our Adepticon 2016 wrapup, complete with interviews from Aaron Aleong and Chris Mehrstedt the 40k event co-coordinator.

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Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE – Checkout our fantastical webcast and new and exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.

the long war adepticon 2016

Team Long War: From left to right: Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore, Rob Baer, and Mike Haspil


How good of an event is Adepticon? It’s literally the pinnacle of tabletop events for our hobby. Checkout our BIGGER and BETTER Adepticon weekend wrapup episode and with some special guests as well.

Adepticon 2016 Review: w/ Special Guest Aaron Aleong & Chris Mehrstedt Long War Episode 46

