Adepticon 2012 Day One Update

By Rob Baer | April 20th, 2012 | Categories: Adepticon 2012, Grand Tournament, Warhammer 40k News

I managed to snap a few photos of day one here at Adepticon 2012. Today is the 40k Championships which kicked off around 10:00 AM local time.

Forge World is on hand with a huge booth of goodies. Unfortunately they did not have any Storm Eagles on hand for sale. They did however have limited numbers of the new show exclusive Enforcer with hound, and back from last year the Boarding Marine!

Limited numbers of the Heresy novel Aurillian and FW Masterclass Volume 2 were also on hand and immediately sold out.

If you are thinking about getting Forge World here at Adepticon next year you may want to get the VIG (very important gamer) badge.  Not only does it cut your per-registration time down, you also get into the vendor hall early to get all the good deals on Forge World, and other vendors’ wares as well.

Well the main hall is packed to the gills with 40k Madness, enjoy the photos below. More to come soon!

Room’s view of Chicago!

 Panorama of the 40k Champs in the main ball room.

 Goatboy is here too.

Some of the judges for the Championships

If you missed my update from yesterday be sure to check it out here.