Adeptus Mechanicus Datasheets & Custom Forge Worlds

new-codex-adeptus-mechanicus-ad-mech-title1The new Adeptus Mechanicus datasheets and custom Forge Worlds have been spotted online, check out what the army can do!

Today we’re taking a look at some of the datasheets and how to make yourself a custom Forge World for the upcoming book. So if you want to start making your lists, this is a great post to check out! We’ll go over what’s changing and who came out on top.


ad mech codexThe book is out now, so if you’ve been waiting to get these guys on the field, it’s finally time! While they are only getting one new mini with the release, it’s always fun to get a new book.

But enough about the codex, let’s check out the rules.

Adeptus Mechanicus Datasheets & Custom Forge Worlds

ad mech codexThe book will go on pre-order this Saturday, so if you’ve been waiting to get these guys on the field, get ready! While they are only getting one new mini with the release, it’s always fun to get a new book. But enough about the codex, let’s check out the Datasheets. 

New Datasheets

Belisarius Cawl DatasheetOnly makes sense to lead with the big guy! His reroll aura is pretty nice and when combined with the Marshal, you’ll be rerolling hits and wounds. Then being able to allow a previously used canticle is also another really cool ability. You can also repair him and use him to repair a vehicle in the same turn which only makes sense for someone this strong.

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Skitarii MarshallThe one new mini coming along with the book and is pretty interesting. He doesn’t let a unit be penalized by the Doctrina Imperative. On top of that he lets core units reroll 1’s to wound, so combined you can be getting a ton of rerolls.

Ironstrider BallWhat’s there to say other than an assault 2, S9, D3+3 Lascannon is just really sweet! They also have the core keyword, so can get benefits from a ton of buffs!

Kastelan RobotsThe robots keep a lot of the same rules as before, but with their points going up by 15 each, let’s hope the rest of the rules in the book more than makeup for the increase.

New DatasheetThese are just a really cool unit, and if you get lucky on that first charge when they come in, with the new Stratagem, they can keep units locked in combat on a 2+ with them. Giving them more survivability and that initial turn where they swoop in so much more impactful. With their insane number of shots, they are perfect for taking out masses of infantry.

Custom Forge Worlds

Custom Forge WorldsIf you don’t want to pick one of the major Forge Worlds, you can opt for a custom one where you get to pick the primary and one of the secondaries that go along with it. They are all pretty interesting, but the radiant is pretty awesome, it just makes your units that much harder to kill, and the enemy that much weaker!

Do you like how the codex is turning out? What’s your favorite new rule so far?

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