All the Characters of Victoria Miniatures: Unboxing

Victoria Miniatures character feature rIf you’ve been looking for some awesome characters, we have you covered in this unboxing review of Victoria Miniatures!

Rob takes a look at a few of the character alternatives and tank upgrade bits offered by the hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures and highlights some of the coolest. 

We are going to show you everything that each kit comes with, how long they take to build, and some comparisons. That way you can decide if these sets are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

All the Characters of Victoria Miniatures: Unboxing

The Site & Resources

Victoria minis site 2The site is very well set-up and easy to navigate. She has a ton of character alternative minis, some fun takes on models we all know and love, and even bunches of cool tank bits. Even if you just want some pieces for conversions and not entire minis, they have you covered!

Victoria minis siteFor the price of characters from GW, these are a great deal for their characters and are all hand-crafted boutique resin minis. Nothing wrong with grabbing some characters for only $14!

Shipping detail


Free mini of the monthPlus you get free shipping on all orders over a hundred dollars! An by spending that much, you also get the free mini of the month which there is a ton to pick from! But even if you just spend $50, you can grab the free mini. Can’t complain about free stuff.

The Sprues

Character BagsWhen you grab one of the minis, they come like this with a card, the sprue, and a base.

Tank bits


Tank bits 2This is a spare sprue Rob had left from one of his conversions for tanks and buffing up a unit of Guardsmen. Right away you can see high-quality the sculpts and pieces are.

Character Sprues


Character Sprues 3


Character Sprues 2All the characters look great and there was no damage to any of the bits from shipping. One of the best parts about the minis is you can use them for a ton of stuff in 40k or alternative games.

Sylvia Brando 

BrandoShe makes a perfect Catachan character and bears quite the resemblance to a certain character from Alien(s)! Also, if you weren’t able to grab the limited edition mini from GW, this makes for a perfect affordable alternative.

Mercenary Psyker

Mercenary PskerWell, if you want a cool Astropath alternative or awesome Inquisitor, this works great!

Sgt. Torri

Sergeant TorriWell, it’s pretty obvious what she’s supposed to be used as! She fits perfectly into most of the Guard tanks, so maybe she can be your Tank Commander next battle.

Size Comparisons

size comparisonBrando sizes up pretty well with a Guardsman, so she would fit in just right.

size comparison 2The Mercenary Psyker also pairs up perfectly in size as well.

Lastly, you can tell the selection of extra bits would fit perfectly with your existing GW stuff.

That does it for this unboxing! They are just really fun alternative minis to give your army a totally different feel!

Get Your Characters from Victoria Miniatures Here!

Have you grabbed any of their minis? Do you like the look of these alternatives?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!