All the New 40k Orks Minis Revealed For 9th Edition!

40k-orks-wal-hor-titleWith constant reveals basically every week for the Greenskins, here are all the new 40k Orks minis ahead of the new codex drop- check it out!

Games Workshop has been adding a bunch of new minis to the line, and they are all pretty wild! If you want to see what you can look forward to mini-wise, check out all the minis!

All the New 40k Orks Minis Revealed Ahead of New Codex

Beast SnaggasJust remember, they are going to release the codex early to people who buy the Beast Snaggas box, so if you want those sweet, sweet new rules, you’ll need to get that box!

While we have already seen these, it’s important to include them here in case the sprue combinations/ offering change down the road…

More New 40k Orks & Beast Snaggas Revealed By GW!


Beast SnaggasThere will be 26 new minis along with the new codex, including 20 boyz, 3 riders, a Nob on Smasha Squig, Zodgrod Wortsnagga, a little bomb grot. They will all come in a limited release box that has early access to the codex. But again, they are going to sell out in seconds we imagine. The codex will be released on its own, but not for a little while after.

Squighog Boy

beast snagga orkWe’ll be finding out more about these boyz in the near future, so make sure you keep your eyes firmly trained on Warhammer Community and discover what you can do in the face of this new threat.

snagga ork

Their appreciation for ‘da old ways’, and their disregard for more complex Orky technology, leads many of the Snakebite clan to become Beast Snaggas, although their ilk can be found across the entire spectrum of Ork society.** Even a no-nonsense Goff can look at a squighog’s shockingly large teeth and figure out how best to apply them to some poor git’s face.

New Characters

Beast SnaggasThis is character is making a return after 20 years! He is a master of Grots everywhere and will have a special rule to upgrade one unit of them at the beginning of the game. This will give them better shooting and make them hit harder in CC. If you love Gretchin, this guy is a must-have.

Beast SnaggasThis mini is going to be bigger than a Terminator, “normal” Nobs, and most characters. Even the Ork on the back by himself is extra-sized, then you add the Squig height on top of that! This new unit will also have bonus effects when charging, but they didn’t say exactly what.

Beast SnaggasWhile not part of the Beast Snaggas, they finally made a mini for the Warboss in Mega Armour! It looks amazing and even has a little Grot shooting his gun for him.


Beast Snagga 40k Ork Painboss

Ork dokKnown as the Painbosses, these enterprising surgeons transcend the simple genetic knowledge of the Painboyz and develop greater medical skills than many assume Orks are capable of. 

The mini is really sweet! Looks like the line will be pretty fleshed out, let’s just hope we’ll see more in the coming days. If you’re constantly handling big nasty beasts, it only makes sense you need someone to give you some sweet upgrades when your legs are ripped off…

We’ll have to wait and see how fast these legs make them, but let’s hope it’s a decent speed buff for not too many points. They also mention the Klaw is lighter and smaller than the normal Power Klaw, so it will probably be cheaper but not as strong.

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis

ork grotOf course, you need some Gretchins hanging around! This one looks awesome and we hope they get a big revamp as well.


WurrboyKnown as the Wurrboyz, these unsavory characters channel Waaagh! energy in its most primal, animalistic form, unleashing roiling storms of psychic energy through their foes that leave them as little more than shriveled husks, or worse…  

Looks like GW thought Orks needed more psychic support, and we’re excited about it! The model is pretty simple while still looking great with dynamic posing. They mention it will have more than one power, but only showed one so far. Still, it’s pretty interesting.

Kill Rig

Kill RigWe’ve heard rumours of giant war machines, and now the Kill Rig is bursting onto the front lines.

Bursting into the front lines is right! That squig is CHONKY. Clearly, it’s got the muscles to back up the size of pulling a loading trailer twice its size! It would definitely be unfortunate to be in front of this squig.

Kill Rig detailsTowed by a mountainous tramplasquig and home to a wide-eyed Wurrboy, the Kill Rig is a true engine of destruction that ploughs through infantry and vehicles alike.

They also gave a hint at a special rule by powering up the psyker’s powers who ride on top. This could potentially be pretty important depending on how good some of the spells are and if you just need that one super psyker to shine.

Hunta Rig

Hunta RigDespite their reverence for the oracular nature of the Wurrboys, certain Beast Snaggas are loath to have such a volatile creature riding with them. Instead, they fit extra decks and grab handles to transport hollering mobs of their clanmates into battle, transforming their vehicle into a Hunta Rig.

While this might be more or less expensive, it is definitely the same kit, meaning it will hopefully make for an interesting list and hobby decision on which to build! Mobile weapon platforms tend to be better all-round but sometimes a powered-up character can really turn the tables!


When enough Beast Snaggas come together to form an army of their own, or at least assert dominance over mobs of ‘lesser’ Boyz, they are led into battle by a hulking Beastboss. 

Of course with this new sub-faction, a new Boss needs to lead them! We expected this guy and it’s great he looks so good to hype up the new themes in the faction.

Decked in the spoils of their greatest kills and rippling with muscle, scar tissue, and bad attitude, Beastbosses lead from the front lines and look for the biggest, meanest prey they can find to bring down with their klaws.

Gargant Head Kommand Center

Taking the severed head of a Gargant as their boss hut is not only a symbol of status, it also provides a convenient forward command centre from which to yell at the Boyz.

Mozgrod Skragbad and Big Chompa

Mozgrod Skragbad and Big ChompaMeanwhile, tales of the Great White Squig and its legendarily stubborn rider are rife among the Beast Snagga tribes, who revere Mozgrod Skragbad as the toughest in the entire sector. 

When you ride something as mythical as the Great White Squigg, you are basically an Ork Primarch, but maybe Ghazgkull will still reign king as the biggest and baddest Ork.

Mozgrod Skragbad and Big Chompa detailsWhile he’s fully capable of commanding his Beast Snagga underlings like any Beastboss, Mozrog’s no-nonsense approach makes him an especially good spearhead for a massed charge of Squighog Boyz.

Power level aside, this is sure to be a hard-hitting machine that loves to charge into melee combat. It also looks like it might be a great center beast for a Beast Snagga force.

Beastboss on Squigosaur

Beastboss on SquigosaurIf you aren’t leading a Snakebite horde, but still fancy barrelling your boss head-first into the enemy atop a monstrous squig, this kit can also build a Beastboss on Squigosaur.

On the other hand, you can go for a more vanilla boss, on top of a giant squig of course. At the very least he is bound to be a little cheaper on the points side.

New Boyz

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

New Ork Snagga Boy 2A (relatively short) lifetime of hunting huge, dangerous beasts have made these Orks particularly large and strong in comparison with regular Boyz. While they’re not quite as durable as a Nob, they can certainly swing their choppas just as hard, which makes them especially prone to lording it over the Boyz they charge alongside.

BoyzOf course, no matter how many shiny rigs and vicious squigs you might bring along, a Waaagh! just isn’t complete without green seas of Boyz.

Boyz needed a new kit for a while, and with them needed in so many lists, in such large quantities, this update changes the look of an entire army old and new alike.

Boyz 2Eagle-eyed readers may have spotted a few unfamiliar faces on the back of the Gaunt’s Ghosts box, and the new Boyz on the block are finally ready for their day in the sun.

These new poses look fantastic and those rounds ejecting add an extremely dynamic pose selection.

Boyz 3

The top left boy we saw earlier, but now with all these extra models, we can see just the scale of this new update!

MekBoyz on Deffkoptas

MekBoyz on DeffkoptasLast but not least, a group of enterprising Mekboyz have been working day and night and are at long last proud to unveil their mighty new Deffkoptas.

Other than looking awesome, these seem to be stacked with missiles and clearly, the Mekboyz want to use their choppas. Giving hints about ranged and melee capabilities.

MekBoyz on Deffkoptas 2Hideously dangerous even by the standards of ordinarily ramshackle Ork vehicles, the sheer noise and speed they can achieve makes them popular among the most daring Boyz.

Are you excited for all the new Orks releases? 

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