All The New Necron Releases Still On The Way

necrons-gamews-workshop-new-releasesThe Necrons only have at least 3 new kit releases remaining that are still on the way beyond Indomitus- check out what’s yet to come!

Necrons are seeing more support than ever before in 9th Edition. With Indomitus and multiple waves of releases past, there are still more to come. Check out the latest roundup of units that are still on the way for these bad robots…

All The New Necron Releases Still On The Way

collector Necron codex

If you’re curious about how any of these might be in a game, we’ve covered them all in our codex rundown here.


psychomancerThis Necron character is another walking fear-monger-er. Although this time instead of just looking the part, it also was some fear-related abilities as well.


necron chronomancerAnother new character coming is the Chronomancer. A dastardly Necron who likes to manipulate time and space.

Flayed Ones

flayed oneWith a revised datasheet for the new edition, the Flayed Ones’ long flayer claws can shred armour with even greater ease, as they now strike with an AP of -1. And as one would expect for a unit whose rather gruesome modus operandi sees them cover their metallic bodies in a macabre second skin made from the flensed flesh of their victims, they’re at their best when killing squishy stuff.

Flayed Ones were at the top of a lot of players lists for updated models and they finally got their wish. Check out how much better these dudes look.

An important note here with these 3 kits is that this doesn’t count any of the ETB kits from Indomitus that GW may decide to release later.

Whew! Overall this season Necrons got way more than we were ever expecting for new releases, but they’re looking better and better as time goes on! They’ve also almost released everything, with only a handful of kits left to be released still.

What’s your favorite Necron model out of the army now from these new releases? Will you be spamming all sorts of different Crypteks? Are you just itching to get the new plastic Flayed Ones?

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