All The Rules In One Book: Shadow War REVIEW!

By Juan Lopez | May 9th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Shadow War Armageddon

This stand-alone offering from Games Workshop includes all the base rules and adds 80 extra pages of content. Let’s see what’s inside!

This re-released version offers all the original content that was included in the box set, all the pdf kills teams, and the exclusive Inquisition and Sisters of Battle kill teams that were never released anywhere else.

There is no quickstart guide in this new book since that can be found in the box set. The Shadow Wars section contains all the kill team information and adds 80 full pages of content that will not be found in the original box set book.

Armageddon Book

Added to the Shadow War section are the exclusive Adepta Sororitas and Inquisition Kill Teams. A little interesting tidbit is the return of the Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon makes a return and can be found in the Inquisition Misc. Equipment list.

Adeptas Sororitas Armageddon

Shadow War: Armageddon: $40

Shadow War Armageddon

Armageddon is wracked with war. As hordes of ferocious Ork warriors surge across the planet, they are met in combat by the combined forces of the Imperium. The bloodiest and most gruelling battles are fought within the hives: the ancient, towering cities that are the last strongholds of Humanity. Across Hive Acheron, elite squads of soldiers are deployed where larger armies are unable to operate. These guerilla fighters creep through the twisting pipes and gantries of the hive to strike deep within enemy territory. They are assassins, and saboteurs – they are the kill teams of Armageddon, battling over precious promethium in order to win the shadow war and decide the fate of the bitter battle that has engulfed the planet.

The Shadow War: Armageddon rulebook is a 200-page softback, featuring new rules and some features previously only available online:

– a short history of the brutal conflicts that have wracked the hive world of Armageddon since the notorious Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka decided to invade, in order to declare himself the true prophet of the Ork gods – and deliver a crushing blow to humanity;
– the Warriors of Armageddon: an overview of the main forces fighting over the hive world – Space Marines Scouts, Astra Militarum Veteran Squads and Ork Boyz Mobs – how they fight, why they fight and the wargear they employ;
– rules and background for 12 further factions not previously found in the boxed game’s rulebook: Skitarii, Craftworld Eldar, Dark Eldar Wych Cults, Genestealer Cults Hybrids, Grey Knights, Harlequin Troupes, Necrons, Tau Pathfinders, Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines, Adeptas Sororitas Battle Sisters and Inquisitors of the Ordos Xenos – the last two factions’ rules have been previously unavailable anywhere else;
– Core Rules: as you might expect, this is the set of rules you need to learn in order to play Shadow War: Armageddon. It covers the items you need in order to play and the characteristics of each fighter type, along with a breakdown of a game turn – this will teach you movement, shooting, hand-to-hand combat and recovering from injuries, along with an explanation of the mechanics behind using terrain.

Come check out our Unboxing vid for Shadow War: Armageddon Rule Book! Be sure to also check out our previous Unboxing Vid of the Shadow War: Armageddon Box Set!

For more on Shadow War: Armageddon and all things Warhammer, visit Games Workshop!