All Your Base Are Belong To AoS- New GW Releases!

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The portents were spotted last week, come see the incredible new release line that’s on the way from Games Workshop this week for Age of Sigmar!

Remember this teaser from last week:


Well it looks like tons of terrain is on the way, as the Shattered domains and some “magic circles” are indeed here, plus a few new surprises as well:

Source: Scanner

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So look for the new realm of battle table, new Start Collecting sets (presumably for AoS), new paint sets for the seceney, and last but not least the rumored plastic base kits for AoS models just like 40k’s Sector Imperalis!

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:


age of sigmar logo

Non-Main Label

  • New LoTR Reboot with Iron Dwarves
  • Blood Bowl (2017)
  • Adeptus Titanicus

Plus we have been heading talk of “Something BIG, but not a new 40k edition” to coincide with September’s White Dwarf reboot, and bringing up the rear a new book of allegiances or “an update” to the current AoS battletomes for the books that are already out sans new allegiance abilities, wargear, and spell lores.


So that’s it be sure to add a pinch of salt to taste, however we’re hearing it on multiple levels to hopefully most will come to pass.

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap