Amazing Necrons Flying Stand from Deadly Print Studio

Necron Flight Stand Feature rIf you hate the standard flying stands, you have to check out this sick Necrons flyer stand from Deadly Print Studio!

Most people aren’t in love with the GW flight stands. Well, neither is Deadly Print Studio! They have a ton of amazing flight stands for all kinds of minis. But today, we’re going to focus on this sweet Necrons flying stand. They even put some Warriors on there to make it even more dynamic. You can also either grab this as an STL or a printed piece. Obviously, if you have a printer you can make as many as you need once you grab the file.

If you need some of the bits bigger or a large amount of them, you can also contact them and they’ll work with you on getting it done. But enough talking, let’s jump into the bits!

Necron Flyer Stand – STL: € 5.00

Necron Flight Stand 4


Necron Flight Stand 3This just makes the normal bases terrible! And for the price for a file, this is hard to beat. It gets even way cooler if you have a few spare Necron Warriors laying around as well. If you like what Deadly Print Studio is up to, check out what else they have going on here!

Let’s hear what they have to say about the files:

  • You will receive 2 files:
  • .stl file of the base
  • .chitubox pre-supported file
  • Caution! Please, glue it at the border of the base to have perfect balance!

Flyer Base – Resin: € 14/15.00

Necron Flight Stand


Necron Flight Stand 2If you don’t have a 3D printer, don’t worry! The reason there are two prices for this one is that you can choose either clear or clear green. Just be sure to select the color you want before adding it to your cart! Let’s hear what they have to say about the printed version:

This is a 3D printed bit, It may contain small support material and small visible 3D printing lines. We provide it cleaned in alcohol and UV cured. We have more than 2 years of 3D printing experience and our items have a high quality and are ready to be painted.

That does it for this one! Just an amazing and easy way to make your Necrons look that much better!

Get Your Necron Flyer Stand Here!

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