An Oni Coming to Warhammer? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineAnother GW rumor engine is making its way across the internet and it’s time to break down the possibilities of what we’re looking at. Check this out.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine showing some kind of face. But what that face is attached to is a question we may not be able to answer just yet. In either case, take a look at the latest rumor engine to hit the web and let us know what you think we’re looking at.

An Oni Coming to Warhammer? New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 2-18-2020Looking at this rumor engine, it’s no mistake we’re seeing a face. But the real question is if this face is alive…or maybe just some insane craftsmanship on something like the front of a shield.

oniIt’s probably safe to say that GW got their inspiration from the classic Japanese Oni (their version of an ancient demon). Now going back to the rumor engine itself, there are two metal fitting-looking pieces on either side of the frame. Which makes us think this could be some kind of insanely ornate shield carried by someone PROBABLY for the Grand Alliance: Chaos.

However, we can also make the case that those fittings might be the edge of a portal and the face is literally a daemon just popping in to see what’s up.

99129915054_DoSContortedEpitome01We’ve already seen the Contorted Epitome for Slaanesh so it’s not outside the realm of possibility here.

At the end of the day we’ll have to wait for another preview wave to hit before we can say for sure what we’re looking at!

What do you think this rumor engine bit could go to? Is it an actual Daemon face or just the artwork of some armor? 

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