Angry at Everything: Army of One

this demon carries his sword for youIf you have ever stared into the void and felt like it might be staring back at you, that’s because it was, and this guy was the one looking!

Here are the latest models from the community, brought to us by Wojtek Kochanowski (Vood’Jan) on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.


this demon carries his sword for you 1

I’ve finished painting my Angron model. It was a big challenge, but I’m so happy with the result. A lot of nice detailed surfaces, details, and tiny things.

this demon carries his sword for you 2

I added a plastic rock part with skulls from the box on my skull base and covered gaps with sand, so, in the end, I think it looks so good.

this demon carries his sword for you 3


Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!