Aquila Down! New Space Marine Bits Spotted?

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A new GW rumor engine is here and it looks like it might be a part of some kind of scene base/terrain. Check out that latest new bits!

Like clockwork, Warhammer Community previewed another rumor engine bit that we should be seeing in the months ahead. With that said, it could be a part of AoS or 40k but there are some details that stand out making us think it’ll be coming to 40k.

Aquila Down! New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 8-6-19 new space marines bits

Take a look at the bit yourself. It definitely looks like it’s not an armor plate/lizard tail etc this time around. However, we can see this piece being part of a scenic base for a character to pop a “Captain Morgan” pose. Or maybe even be part of a terrain piece.

At first glance, the first thing that popped into our heads when looking at the thick grooves was the Imperial Aquila. Maybe this is a statue of an Aquila that’s been hit by a bolter round and scraped up throughout the war. Like we said earlier, maybe a piece of it broke off and it’s now serving a perfect spot for a character to rest his foot.


See Tiggy

With that covered, what kind of character do you think will be standing on it? Would it be sacrilege for an Imperial Soldier to use a broken Aquila as a foot-rest? We thought Chaos would be a great contender, but they just got a massive wave of support.

So maybe it could be Eldar/Necrons since they don’t really care either way.

Only time will tell what this bit could be all about so in the meantime, let us know what you think we’re looking at! What character would you like to see standing on top of this bit? Is it part of a terrain piece? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!