Are Two New 40k Supplements In One Week Too Much?

By Rob Baer | December 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

hor of space marine and chaos

Did 40k just jump the rules shark? Vigilus Defiant and Chapter Approved are both coming out in the same week this December. Can the game survive this much change?

First of all, this is an honest thought. 8th edition’s basic game mechanics are extremely easy for anyone to pick up.

However, on the backside of things, there are supplements, codexes, indexes, etc. that all have some kind of “useful and pertinent” information in them. Coming out of the last Big FAQ on September 29th, hobbyists started to remark about how bloated and convoluted the game was becoming not even 1-1/2 years into its life.

Now with TWO separate supplements dropping in not just the same month- but the same week even, warning bells may be going off in even more hobbyist’s minds.

That is if you go by the latest round of comments on hobby forums around the internet after GW’s preview’s yesterday.

Vigilus Campaign Book

vigilus defiant 2

The Vigilus Defiant book is going to serve as a narrative milestone for the 40k lore. It’s also going to have a host of new formations that unlock trees of exclusive Warlord Traits, Mega-Stratagems, and more. These will be compatible with the current rules and stratagems in the army’s codex as well.

So far, it seems like this book is completely optional. But depending on the way these formations turn out power level-wise, everyone may be almost forced to purchase a copy.

Chapter Approved 2018

chapter approved 2018 book

Here’s the big kicker. Judging by the previews thus far, essentially everyone will need to get a copy of this book, especially Space Marine players. Half of the community is waiting with their fingers crossed hoping that Space Marines, the poster children of Warhammer 40k, get better. There are supposed to be new rules, the Sisters of Battle beta codex, points changes, and more.

Yet another book to pile onto your Index, Codex, and other supplements.

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Some would say 8th edition is bloated enough as it is. Reportedly Games Workshop also came out said that they didn’t want people to have to carry around a stack of supplements to play a game of 40k during casual chats with hobbyists at the Vigilus open as well.

Question is, why wouldn’t they mold both of these books into one and call it a day?

Are you going to get both of these books? Does 8th edition feel bloated to you? Are you happy these will be separate from each other?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.