Armageddon Steel Legion Minis Are Gone For Good…

RIP-Steel-legion-goneIt is the end for the classic Armageddon Steel Legion Squad minis as GW just put them on a final last chance to buy.

GW has been putting some older Guard squads on MTO pretty regularly, but this time they say it will be the final such one for the metal Armageddon Steel Legion Squad miniatures boys.

Armageddon Steel Legion Minis Are Gone For Good…

Steel Legion

The valiant men and women of the Armageddon Steel Legion are finally getting the peaceful retirement they deserve. We’re guaranteeing orders for this classic kit until 8th November 2021, when we’ll be bidding it a fond farewell.

If you’ve been playing Guard for a while, these were possibly the coolest minis we saw for them back in the fay. There was so much cool lore behind them, so it’s sad to see them go, but it is possible that they are doing it to return them when Imperial Guard gets their codex.

Armageddon Steel Legion MTO

Steel Legion 2If you love this old kit, you better grab as many as you want now! Just keep in mind if you’ve never bought these before, they are metal and basically Made to Order.  Meaning they have a shipping delay of 35 days. Plus, they are only available to order until November 8th, and you can order them here.

With all the Imperial Guard rumors we’ve been hearing, there’s a chance they are retiring this to do some reworks. Or, GW could always just be clearing out of these because they feel like it.

We would like to think it’s because of a potential rework for now, but with Death Korps of Krieg finally hitting in plastic, these models may have had their days numbered all along…

RUMORS: New 40k Imperial Guard Regiments & Tank Models

Codex release roadmap 2021 40k

First up, the rumors say the Imperial Guard will be grabbing a new codex book, which everyone already assumed by now probably. From the rumors, the book will contain two new regiments and the Catachans will not be squatted even though their models are almost as old as the Eldar ones.

While there is no clear indication yet about what the two  “new “regiments are quite yet, that’s still pretty exciting. Next, it looks like the Cadians will be a veteran-style addition in the book. Even though the rumor says new, it could very well still be Steel Legion. Maybe DKoK and Steel Legion in one go? Maybe…

Imperial Guard Catachan Wal HorFor new models, rumors are that there will be two or more upgrade sprues for other regiments, much like the Cadian sprues. So while they won’t be grabbing entirely new models, they will be getting sprues to bring them into the new edition. Could we just get another Cadian style sprue for the Steel Legion?

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

It’s possible as they could be made off the base bodies with new helmets and such. Again, this is a double-edged sword. Getting new bits is awesome, but paying $45 for a single unit of Guardsmen can be pretty pricey.

kasrkin 40kIt looks like the Kasrkin will be grabbing entirely new sculpts and models. We’ll have to see how extensive this is, but if it’s anything like the early 2000s models’ designs they are sure to be a fan favorite! This rumor also sorta coincides with one that the Cadians are going to a more veteran-style side of the Army list.

There are also rumors for one more new unit as well, which may end up being the most impactful on the tabletop.

New Imperial Guard Tank

Imperial guard tank sizes scalePerhaps a Macharius-sized tank is coming in plastic?

Supposedly a new tank fitting somewhere in between the Leman Russ and a Baneblade is on the way next for treadheads to collect.

imperial guard armyYou can see the difference in size between the Baneblades and the Leman Russ. Well, if you want something in-between that size, it looks like you’ll get it! The new tank hasn’t been named yet but supposedly it will be big. It will be awesome to have a tank larger than a Russ, hopefully, the new model will be kick-ass!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Will you be grabbing any of the old squads? What regiments do you think they will have in the new codex?

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