Army of One – Blood Angels Jetbike Captain

By Gothmog | February 1st, 2016 | Categories: Army of One, Blood Angels, Forge World, Warhammer 40k News

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Red really does make things go faster! Blood Angels Red that is. Check out this awesome Blood Angel Captain on a Scimitar Jetbike!

Let me first say, yes I know these are for 30k and that he is wearing Mk VII Aquilla Pattern Armour. However, this Jetbike is not intended to be used in 30k per se. Well not a Heresy Era army at least. My Blood Angels do double duty, and I have way to many models to just reset and get all earlier Mks. As well, a friendly game of 40k, when fun or narrative driven, isn’t “broken” by the occasional inclusion of 30k stuff, so HAVE FUN. And either way, he makes a great center piece.

Plus, if first founding Chapters manage to keep all sorts of precious super heavies and tactical dreadnought armour stored away from the time of the great crusade, I would like to think they could also manage to keep a few Jetbikes in working order, seeing as they are really just single man landspeeders.

So I use this as my Blood Angels 8th Company Captain Zedrenael, Lord of Skyfall. Seemed the most appropriate.

So the model really is just a FW Scimitar Jetbike with some minor additions. First of all, I used a Sanguinary Guard torso, head, and shoulder pads. Next I used a standard SM arm and plasma pistol, and put a FW power fist on the end of another arm for the left arm. The purity seals are from a Baal Predator if I remember correctly. The banner is a FW MKIII command upgrade Vexilla. Finally the Wings on the Jetbike are Sanguinary Guard Wings. As well, I gave him much more dynamic basing than you usually see Jetbike. I really don’t like the flying level a foot off the ground most people go for, especially when compared to Eldar Jetbikes. SO I jacked this guy up on some steel rod and dremmeled out a hole for the rod at an angle to mount him in a way that seemed like he was banking in his direction of fire.

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If you are not one to walk the beaten tactical path, then come check out more articles like this on Sepulchre of Heroes, home of the 9th Legion. You can also find there plenty of other thoughts and discussions on the hobby and Warhammer 40k, particularly Blood Angels. We feature ample hobby content in painting and kitbashing and cover several GW specialist games such as Battlefleet Gothic and Blood Bowl. Working daily to Bring the Hobby Back, so check us out!

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