Ashes of Faith 40k Kill Team & Horus Heresy: New Pricing & Links

new-releases-games-workshop-ashes-of-faityHere’s the new Ashes of Faith 40k Kill Team box and Horus Heresy releases that are up for pre-order with their pricing and links.

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that are up for pre-order with your favorite retailers right now! 

Ashes of Faith 40k Kill Team & Horus Heresy: New Pricing & Links

The pricing on the Kill Team box is actually pretty decent, considering it also comes with the narrative campaign inside. Then, it’s always nice to grab more tanks for HH; however, it’s a pretty small release week overall.

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Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Ashes of Faith Retail Price: $160 Allocated 2 Per Store

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | or | eBay | Games Workshop’s Store

ashes of faith kill team

It falls to the clandestine warriors of the Inquisition to lead the charge against these forces of sedition. Kill Team: Ashes of faith provides a lengthy narrative campaign focused on a group of these operatives and their attempt to purge a whole planet of a malignant Chaos Cult.  

ashes of faith kill team inquisition

There are 40 miniatures, 23 for the Chaos Cult, and 17 assorted Inquisitorial Agents. Seven of these are brand-new dual-build miniatures that allow you to build a rag-tag band of hyper-talented weirdos. The set also contains the Ashes of Faith Campaign Rulebook with all the rules for playing out this planet-spanning narrative, and dozens of accessories.

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These new Inquisition Agents seem to already be a fan-favorite with hobbyists because of their modularity and retro callbacks to the early 2000s 54mm scale Inquisition tabletop game.  However, it’s still up in the air if this box set was actually produced in quantity to satisfy stores and gamers alike.


With Gallowfall capped at 4 per store, and prices going for 1.5 to 2x retail, the frustration at Games Workshop and their influencers has become palpable in both online comments and in-person conversation.

Click here for everything we have seen previewed on Ashes of Faith so far.

Horus Heresy banner 2023 white

Vindicator Siege Tank Retail Price: $70

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | or | eBay | Games Workshop’s Store


Vindicator Siege Tank

This multipart plastic kit builds one Legion Vindicator Siege Tank, a heavily-armoured vehicle built to shatter defences. The Vindicator comes with a choice of two primary weapons – the formidable, shell-lobbing demolisher cannon, or the multi-barrelled magna laser destroyer. In addition to its main gun, the Vindicator sports smoke launchers and a combi-bolter mounted atop the front of its hull.

The kit also includes components to upgrade the Vindicator with a pintle-mounted weapon – a havoc launcher, heavy bolter, heavy flamer, multi-melta, or a combi-weapon with five configurations (bolter, flamer, melta, plasma, or volkite) – as well as a searchlight, a dozer blade, a hunter-killer missile, and a number of cosmetic options, such as towing hooks, sigils, and a choice of a Space Marine gunner, spotter, or closed hatch.

This kit comprises 133 plastic components, and comes with a Legiones Astartes Vehicle Transfer Sheet containing 42 optional markings and icons for the Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists Legions. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank sprue 1


Legion Vindicator Siege Tank sprue 2


Legion Vindicator Siege Tank sprue 3

Also coming this week is the Vindicator Siege Tank, previewed way back towards the beginning of the year.


Horus Heresy banner 2023 white

Campaigns of The Age of Darkness: The Siege of Cthonia: $60 (GW Web Exclusive) 

Campaigns of The Age of Darkness The Siege of Cthonia

This expansion book for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy provides a comprehensive history of the Siege of Cthonia, detailing the Loyalist and Traitor forces involved in the campaign. It also allows you to put your army in the role of Loyalist occupiers or Traitor resistance, with rules for linking your games into Onslaught Campaigns, playing new Core Missions and narrative Apex Missions, fighting Zone Mortalis battles in cramped conditions, and fielding new units such as unstable Legiones Inductii recruits, Legiones Decurion tank commanders, the hellish Infernus Abominations, and upgrades and unique characters specifically for the Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus.

It’s cool to see the first narrative campaign book for Horus Heresy. Hobbyists for this game take it very seriously, and we love to see it. However, with this book being direct only and having the potential of a low print run its going to be even more challenging for players to get the rules they need now. But digital is always a great option and we would love to see it come back for Warhammer 40k codex books as well.

JOYTOY New Primarch Guilliman & Grandmaster Voldus Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY voldus & Guilliman preoder

These new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 

They have free shipping to the States too, which is fantastic, and we’ll take a closer look at the sets below!

New Primarch Guilliman Pre-Order: $143

JOYTOY 40k GuillimanAt first glance, they packed all sorts of detail into this figure!

JOYTOY 40k Guilliman 2You’ll also get two head options with the figure, but that only makes sense, as you need to have the option to be too cool for helmets if you want it!

JOYTOY 40k Guilliman 3This picture is a hair blurry, but it’s a great size comparison, and he looks giant! If you have him on the table watching over your games, how can you possibly lose?

JOYTOY 40k Guilliman 4While he doesn’t have a ton of bits, it doesn’t matter too much, as they all look so great.

New Grandmaster Voldus: $80

joytoy voldus 1

At first glance, they packed some great detail into this figure!

joytoy voldus 2

Nothing quite matches the flair of a named character!

joytoy voldus 3

As a Terminator, Voldus will be a pretty decent size. If you have him on the table watching over your games, you’ll have his blessing while hunting daemons. (he is an excellent Psyker after all)

joytoy voldus 4

While he doesn’t have a ton of bits, it doesn’t matter too much, as they all look so great.

New Blood Angels Assault Terminators: $378

JOYTOY Blood Angels TerminatorsIt’s always awesome to get full squads, and what’s more intimidating than some assault terminators?

JOYTOY Blood Angels Terminators 2


JOYTOY Blood Angels Terminators 3From the looks of it, these don’t have an insane number of bits, but they still look great, and we expect them to be super articulate.

JOYTOY Blood Angels Terminators 4They generally only have a few extra hands, but they look cool enough that they don’t need a ton of extra bits.

JOYTOY Blood Angels Terminators 5They even give them some serious fangs, which is just awesome!

Ultramarine Primaris Chaplain Brother Varus: $66

JOYTOY Chaplain 8This is possibly the coolest Chaplain we’ve seen yet! Picking this up will really buff up your collection.

JOYTOY Chaplain 9He has some pretty cool options and seems very articulate.

JOYTOY Chaplain 10He doesn’t have a huge number of options, but plenty to make some really cool dioramas!

Get 10% Ordering JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%!

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States for almost all of them!

Hellblasters JOYTOY 3

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 10% OFF!

You can get your JOYTOY Warhammer action figures from tons of other overseas sellers and vendors in America. Be sure to use the links below to browse the current lineups from each vendor below!

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Don’t forget you can use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10% on Flyima as well!  Entertainment Earth has more extended pre-orders and now various free shipping and discount offers when you use our link here to order.

The Lion: Son Of The Forest #1 Selling Book on Amazon Right Now!

Click here to get it from Amazon or on Black Library

free lion son of the forest

While the description is a bit specific, it’s cool to see a Warhammer 40k book top the charts on something like Amazon! That means an insane number of people are reading it, as all the other types are sold out!

Besides being only $14 on Kindle, it’s FREE for a limited time with any Audible trial as well.

While you can’t score the physical copies, you can get the same story for way cheaper and get in on the fun. If you need something to read over the next couple of weeks, you might as well pick up your copy and see what all the hype is about.

Get Your Favorite Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!

Are you going to pre-order any of these new releases, like the Ashes of Faith box? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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