Atriarchs of Onslaught: Creature Caster Unboxing

Creature Caster Atriarchs of onslaught feature rCreature Caster is at it again with more stunning demon models- check out our unboxing & build of the Atriarchs of Onslaught

From big to small, Creature Caster is known far and wide for its amazing daemon models. This time around, they are tackling the unique smaller daemon models that make the perfect 40k alternatives. Let’s see what Rob’s first impressions are as he breaks it down!

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Atriarchs of Onslaught: Creature Caster Unboxing

Atriarch of onlsaughtCreature Caster has promised that 2021 will be the year of the smaller minis. They are known for some giant crazy ones, but there’s nothing wrong with getting more stuff for cheaper. These go on pre-order Feb 19th. So be sure to go sign up so you can get it when it comes out. If you grab the full set you also grab an extra bit!

The Bits

Creature Caster BoxWhenever you order something from Creature Caster it comes in a really cool custom box with a sticker on the back saying what it is. They also wrap all the pieces in nice bubble wrap packages. You also know this is going to have a ton of pieces because this comes in the larger of the two boxes.

Atriarch of onlsaught bitsAll the pieces to the first mini laid out! Right away you can tell how high-quality the resin is and how detailed the pieces are.

Atriarch of onlsaught bits 2


Atriarch of onlsaught bits 3


Atriarch of onlsaught bits 4When you get close up on the bits they all look amazing. Especially when you get up on his backpack, you really see how much time went into each of these.

optional bits 2


optional bitsWhen you buy the set, you get these optional bits. You can make him standing on the guy about to cut his head off, or just have him on the base with the head already chopped!

Atriarch of onlsaught bits 5Last, but not least, this is the third daemon you get in the set. Again, it looks amazing and looks like it will be super fun to paint with all the flames. If you need some tips on how to paint OSL effects, check out a tutorial on it here. 

Completed Minis



Gattling 2The Gattler looks pretty wild when built! How can you go wrong with a Gatling gun that shoots skulls at your enemy?

Atriarch of onlsaught 2ith extra bitThis is the mini that comes with the extra bits! If you grab the set, this really adds some serious depth to the mini.

archanistThe Arcanist is very flowing and has a great look overall. They really fit a lot into the mini without making it seem cluttered.

Size Comparison

Size ComparisonThese are perfectly sized to be Herald type minis. And for the price, they are even a little cheaper than GW characters.

Size Comparison 2When you put these side by side, they just look great and would work well together.

That does it for this one! Just some great minis that will make your Chaos forces stand out!

Get Your Creature Caster Models Here

What do you think of Creature Caster’s newest models? Do you like the focus on the smaller minis?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.