Bad News for the New Be’lakor Release

GW-allocationsBad news for this weekend’s new Belakor release as supply will surely outpace demand with these puny allocation numbers… 

If you want to support your local store, you better get in line early! GW has been fairly stingy with the new releases for some time now, either due to COVID complications or just a rumored business strategy that shuffles the majority of available products to their webstore so they keep all the profits.

It’s kind of hard to tell anymore. While we knew there would be allocations, we didn’t expect it to be quite so severe. 

Bad News for the New Be’lakor Release

First, though, let’s check out what goes on pre-order this week, and then take a look at how many of each will be available, and round it up with our thoughts on the matter…

Be’lakor, the Dark Master

New Be'lakorAncient even when the world-that-was was whole, aeons of scheming and subtle preparation are about to bear fruit as Be’lakor makes a power play of realm-shaking proportions in a bid to replace his hated rival Archaon in the esteem of his divine masters.

Be’lakor is a pretty important character in lore, being the first Daemon Prince and all. Unfortunately, he has been on the back burner, but no longer! In Age of Sigmar, he is stepping straight into the limelight.


New Be'lakor 40kBut that’s not all, he is also coming to 40k with some extra bit options. Making him even more valuable, and likely to be picked up even faster.

Broken Realms: Be’lakor (HB)

broken realms belakorBroken Realms: Be’lakor tells the story of his grand plan unleashed upon the realms of Order, following an unlikely alliance and the catastrophic after-effects of a mighty magical explosion. Not only will you be able to read all about Be’lakor at the moment of his greatest work, but also forces of the Seraphon, Stormcast Eternals, and Nighthaunt as they react to the Daemon Prince’s machinations.

The Broken Realms books serve as a vehicle to move the AoS storyline forward while focusing on key characters. This will bring in new lore and some implications regarding the mortal realms. Not to mention new rules.

Atra’zan’s Blazing Calvacade

Three new bundle boxes warscrolls will have rules and implications inside Broken Realms Be’lakor, and may save you a few dollars as well!

tzeentch broken realmsAtra’zan the Immolator leads a horde of pyromaniac Horrors against Tzeentch’s foes.

The Celestial Stamped

celestial stampede

Starwarden Iq-to presses his Celestial Stampede into battle at the behest of his slann masters.

The Sorrowmourn Choir

The Sorrowmourn ChoirLady Olynder and her personal guard, the Sorrowmourn Choir, are getting involved in mysterious circumstances to prey upon Sigmar’s faithful

Drungon’s Aether Runners

Drungon's Aether Runners

The duardin of Barak-Zilfin are on hand, led by Drongon Humboldsson and his Aether-runners to turn the tide when the night seems darkest

So How Many New Releases Are Stores Getting?

Be'lakor-wal-horThe quick answer is not many, and it’s a bit worse than what was anticipated. Check out the numbers according to the retailers we polled this week:

  • Be’lakor: 2 per store
  • Broken Realms Book: 3 per store
  • All bundle boxes: 1 per store

If you want any of the items above, and plan on getting them from your store, get there on day one. Two of anything usually won’t last long, much less one. With all the hype built up for Be’lakor, this is just such a tiny number. We could easily see bigger stores selling ten or more of them, but at this point, it is what it is.

Just get there early and try to support your store when you can!

Looks like we’ll just have to wait and see what happens with the online side of things. But if these numbers are a good indication (which they usually are) you better plan on ordering online ASAP as well. We’ll be surprised if Be’lakor stays around on the website for more than a couple of hours.

Are you going to try and pick one of these up? Are you excited about the new release? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!