Bayard’s Revenge Emperor’s Champion: Unboxing & Build

black-templar-unboxing-and-buildDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the Warhammer Day 40k Black Templars Bayard’s Revenge Emperor’s Champion limited edition miniature!

Rob is back unboxing the Warhammer Day 40k Black Templars Bayard’s Revenge Emperor’s Champion! He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show the model size, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Bayard’s Revenge Emperor’s Champion: Unboxing & Build

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Bazooka Games | Dicehead Games | Frontline Gaming

Bayard's Revenge 2At the time of writing this, it still says it’s shipping on time, but also that it’s MTO, meaning 180 days until you get it (so a little confusing on when you’ll actually get it). Still, it seems to be available at most local stores, so might as well check there first!

This is running for $45 for one model, which is about $10 more than a normal character.

Bayard's Revenge 3However, for $45, this setup and single sprue don’t seem too exciting, but the mini does look cool, and if it has value to you, then it’s worth it.

Sprues & Instructions

Bayard's Revenge 4It does have the computer slicing, but Rob is always a little wary when there are such small connections for joints. Overall, it looks pretty simple to build and does have shoulder pads you could switch out.

Considering the only real BT insignias are on the shoulder pads, you could easily switch that out and use him for any chapter. You’ll just have to be careful when lining up the necklace, as part of it is on the body, and part is on the head.

The sprue is very detailed, but you are going to want to be very careful when clipping this out. Some of the connections to the sprues are very, very small. So just be careful to take your time and not rush it and break your mini!

Assembled Mini

Bayard's Revenge 6This is actually a really cool mini when all put together!

Bayard's Revenge 7They did a pretty decent job of covering up their mold lines, but there will still be a few you have to take care of.

Bayard's Revenge 8This is also built in a way you can just use some blue-tac on the foot and take the Champion off the Ork; that way, you can paint them separately.  However, some of the foot sculpt is on the Ork itself, so dont forget to paint that in your chapter colors as well!

Bayard's Revenge 9Everything other than the bare-head option clipped out pretty easily, but Rob likes the helmeted option more!

Bayard's Revenge 10He lines up in size well with the Primaris. However, as this is on a 50mm and the Champion is on a 40mm, there may be some “official play issues,” but most people won’t really care. Just be sure to check if you’re playing a tournament or something like that.

Be sure to check out the video below for all the details!

Click Here to Get Yours!

What do you think of this unboxing of the new Emperor’s Champion? Will you be getting one? 

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