Best 40k Armies from Adepticon 2018 Day 1

sokar stormbird thomas byrd

Hey there 40k fans! We’re here showing off some of our favorite armies that we’ve seen on day 1 of Adepticon 2018 from the 40k Championships.

Every year players from all over the world converge on Adepticon and bring with them some of the most awesome armies out there!

Here are some of our favorite armies we saw during the first day of Adepticon 2018!

Let’s kick this one off with the rivers of Chaos flowing!

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

The Eldar made a special appearance with this split level display and their flyers are soaring above the rest.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

The bugs have appeared in numbers and we’re all out of bug spray, so it looks like this awesome Tyranid infesrtation is here to stay.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

Cypher? Oh yeah, we found him here at Adepticon! He’s been hiding in the beats lab of the Wobbly Modelers amongst their Dark Angels army the whole time.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

It’s not plastic, but it is a Stormbird, and it looks amazing! The Ultramarines are piling out of it, ready for battle, and Guilliman is leading the charge.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

Chaos is here is full force this year, and all we’re going to say is you can never have too many demons.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

The Necrons even made an appearance, and they did so in a fantastic way. This display board had the pipes coming out of the ground, containers stacked up, and models on every level.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

The Cultists are all about strength in numbers, and sometimes it seems like they just won’t go away, especially when there’s a couple Demon Princes around…

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

Ladies and Gentlemen the Ad Mech have arrived, and just in time for new Knights. This display especially caught our eye when we realized how much detail was put into it.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

WWWAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Last but certainly not least, the Orks. This display was definitely one of the tallest we got to see today and it was a lot of fun to look at. This is a great example of how much skill is actually out here this year.

Adepticon 2018 Day 1

This is just the first post from Day one of Adepticon, there’s plenty more to come!

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for even more coverage and armies from the event, and see more from previous Adepticon events check out the links below for our last eight years of coverage from the hobby trenches. It’s been a blast!

Adepticon 2018 Coverage


Adepticon 2017 Coverage

Adepticon 2016 Coverage

 Adepticon 2015 Coverage

Adepticon 2014 Coverage

Adepticon 2013 Coverage

Adepticon 2012 Coverage

Adepticon 2011 Coverage *Long War Wins 40k Overall Best Team*

Adepticon 2010 Coverage