Best Slaanesh Models That Aren’t GW / Forge World

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Wanting to get ready for all the Slaanesh support that’s on the way?  Check out our list of the top alternative miniatures out there that aren’t GW / Forge World.

We know that Slaanesh is getting more support in the very near future with the new Wrath and Rapture box at the very least. Has all this talk of Chaos sparked your interest in starting a Daemon army?

If you’ve been looking for some cool alternatives, check out this list.

Wargame Exclusive Chaos Renegade Sister 11.99

WGE marine 1

If you needed some Emperor’s Children-themed Marines, the Renegade Sisters are perfect. Slaanesh is all about style and twisting it to the point of utter excess. Make an entire squad out of these heretics in power armor. These models only have the Bolter-style weapon so keep that in mind when designing your lists.

Mierce Miniatures Lamashti Pleasure Demon £59.99

mierce mini demon

This mini is set to 133mm scale and is just another great alternative to the other minis from above. Lamashti’ may not have the Pincers the Daemonettes have, but two massive claws still fit in perfectly with the Slaaneshi theme.

Creature Caster Queen of Ecstasy $109

queen of ecstasy 1

Creature Caster’s Queen of Ecstasy is not only a perfect centerpiece model with all its detail. But it also fits the bill for a Keeper of Secrets. Need something a little bit smaller?

Wargame Exclusive Chaos Eternal Champion 29.99

wge lucius

The Emperor’s Children need a leader. Lucius the Eternal is a legendary fighter in combat but his model is getting a little dated. The Chaos Eternal Champion brings out the twisted detail you’d expect to find in an aged Slaaneshi warrior.

Creature Caster Lady of Corruption $59.00

Lady of Corruption

This Creature Caster alternative is Daemon Prince-sized and is loaded with all the detail you’d expect for a Slaanesh model. She’s even got the huge pincer that Daemonettes are all seen with.

What are your thoughts on these alternatives, did we miss any that would be on YOUR list? Do you already run one of them in your army? Which ones will you be picking up now?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group!