Better Than The First! SM Heroes 2 Unbox & Build

By Tim Roberts | October 30th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Come and get a look at the new Space Marine Heroes series two, flown in from the far east to give you a sneak peek at some new model sculpts!

The first Space Marine Heroes series was a smash hit that was exclusive to a few countries but we managed to get our dirty paws on some, and now we have done it again.

Space Marine Heroes Series Two is a collection of six new sculpts from Games Workshop that has a blind bag slash booster pack set up where you get a random Space Marine sculpt.

Let’s crack one of these hard to get boxes open and see what we get!

Better Than The First! SM Heroes Series 2 Unbox & Build


As you can see this series is all about the Terminators! Games Workshop has six new sculpts that are exclusive to this set and the leader of this band of battle brothers looks to be a character.


Now very few people had access to the first series here in the states and if you missed out there is good news!

Nine out of the twelve Space Maries Heroes Series One models are set to release here in the United States soon. As for the remaining figures, you can get those by getting a copy of Space Marines Adventures: Labyrinth Of The Necron.


Well, we didn’t pull chase figure but we did get the guy with the biggest guns. By the looks of this Character card, this miniature can be used in some gaming system with what looks to be stats at the bottom of the card.


Looking at the sprue itself you can see that they didn’t skip out on any of the detail on these Space Marine Heroes Series Two. They even gave these guys some crisp details and even an amazing looking base.


And here he is folks, all put together and standing proudly beside his battle brother for Space Marine Heroes Series One. These minis look great and we can’t wait until Series One makes landfall here in the USA

As always keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches and to see how long it took Robbie B. to put this mini together check out our unboxing and build video below!