Black Templars New 40k Combat Patrol Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | December 8th, 2021 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

combat-patrol-black-templars-pricing-and-valuesDon’t miss our unboxing of the Warhammer 40k Black Templars Combat Patrol as we see what the box is all about!

Rob is back unboxing the new release for the Black Templars and sharing his thoughts on the box. He sees what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the model, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Warhammer 40k Black Templars Combat Patrol: Unboxing

Get yours for less on Amazon, Dicehead Games, or eBay 

Black Templars combat patrol 2This is the box we’ll be looking at today, it has a lot of what was in the army box, so if you grabbed that, this doesn’t have much more in it. We’ll break the value below for you, but Rob also goes over it in-depth in the video.

  • 5 man Primaris Combat Squad $35 ($60 for 10)
  • 10 Man Crusader Squad $60 
  • Black Templars Marshal $35
  • Impulsor Kit $75 
  • Upgrade Sprue kit x1 $35

Total MSRP: $240

Total Value: $100

From this, the value seems to be lining up with what we would normally expect to see from a Combat Patrol Box offering. Plus the contents of this are pretty useful for either veteran players or novice alike because it has actually useful units inside.

black templars sword brethren 9Don’t forget too, this box also comes with the upgrade sprues set as well- which we suspected based on the bits shown on the Impulsor and some of the regular intercessors.


Black Templars combat patrol 3The box comes with some interesting transfer sheets, all the instructions, and a ton of sprues.

Black Templars combat patrol 4The Templars specific upgrade sprue is actually really cool and has a ton of bits that just really set them apart from other Marines. However, they are pushing the pricing with the Templars releases about as far as they can go. So there is value here, but the price is high on all the kits to start.

Instructions & Sprues

Black Templars Army Box 6Instruction-wise, it’s pretty much what you’d expect with the new color variations that we really like and there are multiple options for each unit.

Black Templars Army Box 7The backpack of the Marshal looks a little funky, just a ton of fiddly parts, so Rob’s not sure how long that will actually take. While GW does some things we don’t like, they still produce some of the best miniatures in the world and the instructions are usually on point. The Champion however looks pretty simple, so that’s a plus!

A quick painting note, if you have the option to leave shoulder pads off, Rob recommends doing so. Mainly because painting white over a black primer is really hard. So just spray those white and it will save you a lot of time overall.

Black Templars Army Box 8The Crusaders have a ton of options and each has a lot of variations. The way they do the instructions makes it really easy to build them how you want with plenty of color paths. They don’t say it in here but everything is numbered on the parts os technically you could clip everything out at once.

Black Templars Army Box 9The Neophytes aren’t as variable as it’s just two sprues mirrored. However, you can give them different guns and heads.

black templars primaris Crusader Squad sprue 2


Black Templars Army Box 11This is the Crusader sprue and you get two identical of these. As you can see there are plenty of bits so these are not the ETB style. IF you can see inside the chest there, you can see the numbering on the bits themselves.

Black Templars Army Box 12A lot of the small sprues (like the Champion) usually go around for $35, whereas the bigger ones (like the Marshall) usually go for about $45. The detail in these looks pretty sweet and the design looks great as well.

Assembled Minis

Black Templars Army Box 13Overall these went together pretty easily. They have so many posing options, are really dynamic, and you can’t complain about the detail at all!

Black Templars Army Box 15The Crusaders look so cool and the Neophytes are actually on 28mm bases, so basically the same size as a Primaris, but they are much more static than the regular Marines in the box.

Black Templars Army Box 16When compared to a normal Intercessor, you can see these really have much more flair about them.

Black Templars Army Box 14Overall, the Crusader box is just really cool!

MarshalThe Marshal is also super detailed with so much going on, but again, not so much you can’t show off your skills.

The last thing in the box is the Impulsor, check Rob unboxed and magnetized all four versions here!

Final Thoughts

Black Templars combat patrol 2Overall there is some value here if you need the minis inside. However, there are some still army boxes floating around, so if you feel the value in there is better, might as well grab that instead!

Get Your Own Combat Patrol Here!

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