Book of Rust Death Guard Charadon 40k Rules Spotted!

death-guard-wal-hor-title-2The new Death Guard Charadon 40k rules have been spotted- check out how Typhus forces are shaping up now!

The images of the book were recently spotted on Imgur, with all the rules for DG in the Book of Rust. After looking at the rules, the Combat Patrol box for them is starting to make more and more sense. As a lot of the rules feature Poxwalkers.

Since this is an army of Renown, there are going to be certain restrictions on the army to get the benefits. Let’s get into the new rules!

Book of Rust Death Guard Charadon 40k Rules Spotted!

Army of renownIf you were wondering about how to actually make an Army of Renown, well, this is how! Each army will have restrictions but then have access to a bunch of new rules, Relics, and Stratagems.

Army of renown 2The restrictions are quite large for this one, meaning no vehicles can be included in the list. You’ll have to decide if the new rules are worth no vehicles or not!

Army Structure

Army of renown Death Guard Rules


Army of renown Death Guard Rules 2There are some big drawbacks here, no Mortarion and no vehicles at all! But you do gain a new psychic discipline, Relics, and Stratagems. You also get to put tons of your forces into reserves and basically have them all deep strike. It will still take CP, but you can put as many as you want in there and pay the CP depending on the total Power Rating.

New Warlord Trait

Warlord trait Death Guard RulesThis is pretty sweet to get rid of ObSec when you’re deep striking in and as long as the warlord is not one on one, he’ll always be getting an additional attack.

Psychic Discipline

Fester DisciplineA lot of the powers are very short-ranged, so they are really pushing you to get right up in your opponent’s face with the Outbreak Assault rule. Against some lower toughness minis, the Accelerated Entropy could do up to 6 mortals. This could be especially nice with Contagions of Nurgle.

If you’re against some T3 minis, that gets pushed down to 2. Doubling the roll won’t be impossible by any means, and even if you get lucky against some T4 minis, you’ll have a good chance for the additional Mortals. If you want to see all the psychic discipline rules, check them out here on Imgur.

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Death Guard relicsAn S9 18″ Plasma Pistol with flat 3 damage is good on its own, then you add in plague weapon, you should always be getting off decent damage with it. We already saw Rotgrip, but not too bad as a Plague Weapon.

Lastly, the Reaper of Misery can give your character an insane amount of attacks. Especially if it’s your Warlord with Harbinger giving him the extra attack characteristic. If you have to mow down infantry, this is the way to go! If you want to see all the relics, check them out here on Imgur.


Unleash the Horde


Rotting TideThey are really pushing the Poxwalkers! For 2CP, giving an extra 3″ to all your Poxwalkers is pretty sweet, but they also gain the 3″ on their pile-ins as well, meaning you’ll be able to get almost all of them in range. Rotting Tide is pretty interesting, you can rush a giant unit of Poxwalkers up, let them die, and then resurrect them within 6″ of a board edge.

For 3 CP, getting 20+ Poxwalkers back can really do something, but it is not without cost…

If you want to see all the stratagems, check them out here on Imgur.

What do you think about the rules? Will you be running this Army of Renown?

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