BREAKING: 40k Faction Teaser & New Custodes Spotted

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There’s a new teaser from Games Workshop, as well as pictures of a new Custodes box. Could they be tied together? Come take a look.

The latest teaser from Games Workshop shows an image stating someone is on the way tomorrow. But who are they?

Games Workshop’s latest teaser stated that they’ve been watching, waiting, and they are on their way tomorrow. Shortly after this image we saw pictures of the front and back of a new box of Allarus Custodians courtesy Chapter Master Valrak.

Allarus Custodians Front Allarus Custodians

The new box of Allarus Custodians will come with three different models: Shield-Captain, Vexilus Praetor, and Allarus Custodian.


Lore states that for ten thousand years and more, the Custodians have stood watch over their lord and master, serving as the Emperor’s personal guardians and praetorian bodyguard.

Games Workshop’s latest teaser states that they’ve been watching and waiting... Could all of this be tied together? Or is this two completely separate related topics? We don’t know for sure, but we will tomorrow.

Tomorrow is also Forge World’s New Years Open Day, so maybe we’ll see something completely different. No matter what, it looks like we have more Adeptus Custodes on the way.

What are your thoughts? Is the Games Workshop teaser and Custodians box related? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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