BREAKING: New 40k Ork Speed Freeks Rules Spotted

By Wesley Floyd | October 16th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Sit down and buckle up because the Ork Speed Freeks Kustom Boosta-blasta’s rules for Warhammer 40k have been spotted! Take a look at the latest.

KiritothTV on Youtube posted a video saying that an Ork codex playtester contacted him and showed him the stats of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy. Everything sounds legit but remember to take everything with a grain of salt that doesn’t come directly from the game developers.

UPDATE: The Kustom Boosta-blasta’s rules for 40k have been spotted as well.

RUMORS: Ork Rukkatrukk Squibuggy’s Rules & More

rukkatrukk squigbuggy Mysterious Ork Vehicle is Finally REVEALED

rukkatrukk stats 1

Let’s go over these rumored stats first. Even though the gun is called the “heavy” squig launcher, it’s actually an assault. You’ll always be hitting on 4’s with this weapon unless you advance. As far as the gun’s stats go:

  • Bile Squig: Decent because you’re more likely to wound a vehicle. However, anything with a decent save shouldn’t be too worried because it’s just AP 0.
  • Bitey Squig: This thing wrecks infantry, especially Terminators. The only thing that’s rough is the two-shot profile.
  • Boom Squig: Probably the best profile of all the weapons. 2D3 shots at decent strength and damage. the -1 AP is also pretty big. It’s almost like an assault Battle Cannon.

Side note: The dakka element is still strong on this model. you can shoot the Squig launcher as well as have the dude sitting in the passenger seat throw grenades and pop people with his pump-shotty.

This is definitely a harasser-type vehicle. It’s going to be picking on the guys on foot. It’s not the fastest vehicle in the world but can still dish out the pain hitting on 4s in both shooting and combat.  With nine wounds, it won’t degrade either.

rukkatrukk stats 2

Looking at its rules, we have no idea what Dakka Dakka or Speed Mob do so we’ll have to check on that later. Luckily, the Grot gunner adds 1 to the BS (moving from 5+ to a 4+).

You’ve also got a “once per game” ability that lets you drop a Squig mine on the battlefield within 1″ of the model. If anyone moves within three inches of it, there’s a potential of dishing out three mortal wounds.

Remember, these stats aren’t confirmed but at least we’ve been given something we can digest and break down.

Speed Freeks 40k Rules SPOTTED

Spotted floating around the internet, we’ve got some 40k rules for the Kustom Boosta-blasta!

kustom boomblasta

kustom boomblasta rules

Starting off, it’s got the same basic statline as the rumors above from Kirioth. However, this thing looks like it’s meant to barrel into the enemy and cause as much destruction as it can up close.

  • Burna Exhaust is a D3 flamer (it’s alright but definitely isn’t why you take it).
  • The Rivet Kannon is the money maker of the whole operation. It’s a six-shot super autocannon that hits on 4’s. Imagine taking a squad of three…That’s 18 shots. Brutal.
  • Spiked Ram encourages the player to make charges just to cause mortal wounds. Doing D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ isn’t too shabby. You could finish off a Baneblade in one hail Mary charge.

As this is the first actual look at the rules for Speed Freeks vehicles, the Kustom Boosta-Blasta seems like it’s going to be able to dish out some infantry/light armor shredding firepower.

In case you haven’t heard: As of right now, the Shockjump Dragsta and Kustom Boosta-blasta are going to be exclusive to Speed Freeks. That might be enough incentive for you to pick up a box.

What are your thoughts on the Early look at the rules? How many points would you pay for stats like this? let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby group.