BREAKING New Blackstone Fortress Chaos 40k Rules

Is That a Squat? GW Drops Big Reveals For Blackstone Fortress

Followers of the Dark Gods rejoice, 40k rules have been spotted for the latest Chaos models coming inside Blackstone Fortress. Do not miss this!

Spotted originally on Imgur, Chaos looks like it’ll be getting a decent upgrade with these exclusive Blackstone Fortress units.

Put away your potato cameras, and let’s go over what was previewed.

BREAKING New Blackstone Fortress Chaos 40k Rules

obsidius mallex

Obsidius Mallex & his Psykers

Similar to Elucia from the Rogue Trader Kill Team box set, Obsidius and his followers have to be set up right next to each other all at the same time. Obsidius himself looks like a Chaos Lord that rerolls 1s for his band of heretics as well as Black Legion units. He’s pretty decked out getting four swings with a thunder hammer as well as a plasma pistol for back up. Everything else is pretty standard issue on what you’d find for a Chaos character.

The Rogue Psykers are cheap mortal wound spammers as they only know smite. However, their Unrestrained Power rule lets them reroll ones in the psychic phase. That’s a little bit of protection against perils of the warp. However, these guys perils on any roll of a double. They also don’t take up a slot in your detachment…nothing game breaking, but it’s nice.

Traitor Guardsmen

blackstone fortress

traitor guardsmen

Traitor Guardsmen are literally just bodies for the table. Don’t expect these guys to do much other than screen and hold backfield objectives. The way it’s worded, each unit HAS to come with certain equipment. If you take Obsidius, they have to be set up next to him and it looks like they can’t be given any orders.

Negavolt Cultists & the Legionnaires

cultists and black legion


Negavolt Cultists are going to be glass cannon shock troops that can potentially do some decent damage and then die immediately after. They can do some mortal wounds on the charge and rolling a six to hit counts as three hits…but there’s no AP and it’s only S5.

They DO have a 5+ FNP but at T3 and a 6+ sv, expect these guys to fold against anything that looks at them.

The black Legionnaires are a unit that contains only two Heretic Astartes. They have the Black Legion keyword along with Servants of the Abyss. We initially thought that this unit was meant to help flesh out a Batallion detachment for cheap, but Mallex’s Followers rule prevents them from taking up a spot in your detachment.

Other Blackstone Forces

blackstone fortress drone

blackstone forces 1

Spindle Drones can hit really hard once their models start dying off. The sucky part is that as of right now, you can only play these guys in a narrative-type game. They Keywords we have to choose from in 40k can’t be combined with the drones in any way it appears.

Beastmen are looking to be another shock troop for Chaos. They are only 1PL and get +1S and Attack when they charge. These guys also don’t take up a detachment slot, but have to be a SotA army.

blackstone evil 1

Ur ghul

The Ur-ghul models are nothing new. But it’s another unit for Aeldari players to take in their list. Kabal Archons actually let them fight better with Court of the Archon. One downside is that you can’t take them in unit sizes bigger than one model.

Points wise we had the break down from Monday.

blackstone points table

So when you combine the rules and the points together, what is looking the strongest to you?

Which of these units is your favorite? Will you be trying these guys with your Black Legion force? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.