BREAKING – Unseen Horus Heresy Box Set Pics

By Rob Baer | October 28th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy betrayal at calth logo

NEW PICTURES! Come get your very first up close look at the new Horus Heresy box set via exclusive pictures from Spikey Bits.

Via Spikey Bits’ Anonymous Source 10-29-2015


Exclusive Picture – Game close up from the back of the box

horus heresy battle for calth exclusive spikey bits

Exclusive Picture – Game Contents, box appears as deep as the current Dark Vengeance Starter for 40k.


Exclusive picture – Contents from the back of the box 

Please note these pictures were sent to US via an anonymous source. We are not watermarking them, and they are free to use by anyone via Fair Use from a news media outlet.

At Spikey Bits we never hold the hobby hostage with images, please do not either.

Here’s our first clear shots of the new Horus Heresy box set, and it looks absolutely amazing. From the looks of this HEX based board, this is it’s own separate game from the Horus Heresy we all know and love from Forge World.

Perhaps the Battle For Calth will be similar to the 1-player execution force game that the Assassins came in?

Contents of the Box:

  • 30x Tactical marines MK IV Plate
  • 5x Catapharctii Terminators
  • 1x Contemptor with Lascannon, Melta, Assault Cannon and CCW
  • 1x Captain Aethon
  • 1x Kurtha Sedd

There is new game dice, and some sort of legion specific game play “command” decks as well. We can also see what looks to be wound makers in front of one of the terminators too.

The description mentions a 48-page rules book that may perhaps contain Battle for Calth scenarios as well as datasheets for the named characters listed, and squads.

If you’re not sold yet that you need this box in your life, checkout the values on these kits if you bought them from Forge World.

So keeping that in mind lets break down the retail pricing from Forge World:

  • Artificier Armor Centurion, Cataphractii Terminator Praetor  £31.50 For the set of two
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10) £46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10) £46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Mk IV Maximus Marine Squad (x10)£46 plus £23 for the bolters
  • Cataphractii Terminator Squad (x5) £34 ea
  • Contemptor Dreadnought  £32 ea (minus arms), plus £9.5 an arm x4

At those prices this box set comes out to a total of £348 which equals out to about


And that was the old prices before the recent “stealth” price adjustment that was reported this week!

Whether you play Heresy or not, you may not want to pass up a deal like this from Games Workshop.

All this is coming your way on November 14!

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