Broken Realms: Morathi & Death Guard Heroes Pre-Orders

New-Next-Week-wal-hor-gwGW just confirmed the new Broken Realms: Morathi release plus new bundles, a holiday model, and the Death Guard Heroes are on pre-orders next!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s going up on pre-order for the coming week!  Let’s check out what all is on the way to pre-order on November 7th!

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Broken Realms: Morathi

Broken Realms morathiThe Shadow Queen has long plotted to attain true godhood, and she’s finally seizing her chance. Anyone who stands in her way will suffer… as you’ll see in the epic story that weaves together the Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, Slaves to Darkness, Stormcast Eternals, and Cities of Sigmar in a tale that promises to alter the balance of power in the Mortal Realms. 

Broken Realms: Morathi Boxed Sets

morathi themed boxed setsTo kickstart your Broken Realms gaming, you’ll also be able to choose from four themed boxed sets that will help you recreate the armies from the narrative in Broken Realms: Morathi – in fact, each contains everything you need to field a warscroll battalion from the book. 

We saw the contents of each earlier this week on Warhammer Community. If you like to see what is coming inside them, we wrote a breakdown post here.

Shadow & Pain Box Set

shadow and painAnother excellent way to get started is the Shadow & Pain battlebox, which is packed with models for the Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh, including two brand-new miniatures.

There’s also a 40-page book with battleplans and Realm of Battle rules, plus warscroll cards for all the units and a pair of exclusive warscroll battalions.

slaanesh and morathin new characterThe Melusai Ironscale is an elite warrior of the Daughters of Khaine who can ignore the effects of spells and inspire nearby Melusai to greater deeds by murdering enemies in Khaine’s name.

The Slaaneshi Lord of Pain is so inured to agony that they have a chance to disregard any wounds. They also allow nearby Hedonites to re-roll hits as they seek to cause as much pain as possible.

Jakkob Bugmansson XI

jakkob bugmansson XINow, the legacy of the legendary Josef Bugman continues in the form of this year’s Christmas model, Jakkob Bugmansson XI. This Brewmaster-General, and (some say) descendant of the originator of many fine ales, will be available to order throughout November and December before he vanishes into legend.

This year’s Christmas model took on the appearance of a  Kharadron overlord brewmaster! Its looks perfect with not so much going on that it’ll fit right into your army if you chose to field it.

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Space Marine Heroes Series 3: Death Guard

Nurgle Space Marine HeroesIn the grim darkness of the far future, the servants of Nurgle are getting reinforcements in the form of Space Marine Heroes Series 3. This latest set of blind-purchase models features the sons of Mortarion, the pustulent Plague Marines. There are six models available, each distinctly armed, with a textured base, and – perhaps most importantly – its own different Nurgling. The models are push-fit and push off the frames for ease of construction. You’ll be able to order individual packs, each containing a random model, or a complete set that’s guaranteed to get you all six.*.

These are great to add some flavor to your Death Guard army if you don’t want anyone specifically then this is a great release too! You can find out more about these servants of Nurgle here in our SM heroes coverage from last summer.

Indomtius Playing Cards

indomitus playing cardsAlso available next week is a set of playing cards featuring incredible art from throughout Warhammer 40,000 history. The 54-card set features four suits – Imperium, Space Marines, Chaos and Xenos – plus a pair of Jokers, which naturally feature Harlequins on them. 

Nothing too special about these, just a nice set of themed 40k cards.


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Aeronautica Imperialis Ground Assets

Aeronautica Imperialis Ground AssetThe Astra Militarum Ground Assets and T’au Air Caste Ground Assets sets each adds two different anti-aircraft gun emplacements and an objective marker to use as ground targets and Ground Defences in your games.

With this wave of AoS pre-orders, is there anything you will be getting? Are you excited about the Broken Ralms: Morathi updates?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!