Brothers Grimm: Double Chaos Knight – Army of One

By Caleb Dillon | December 7th, 2016 | Categories: Army of One, Chaos Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News, WMG

iron-6Army of One you say? Not Today! Today you get, not one, but 2 Knight Titans for the price of 1 in today’s Army of One!


Check out this pair of Chaos Knights from White Metal Games,  a miniature commission service for all your wargaming needs.  Both the Iron Warriors Knight and Khorne Knight are currently for sale and priced to move!brass-4

For the Brass Knights, we used a series of red to build up the color and traditional brass for the metals.  These were oxidized for a splash of color and a blue/green OSL effect was added to contrast the red and bring out the patina. 
For the Iron Knight we used traditional techniques on the metals and uses purple OSL to contrast the yellow hazard stripping.  Weathering was added to the hazard stripes to break up the surfaces.  brass-5iron-9
iron-11Heat effects were added throughout the project to give a splash of color to the business end of their weapons.   If you have a centerpiece model you’d like painted to a suitably high standard for your game table, contact us at White Metal Games.

wmg-logo white metal games

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And until next time,


-Caleb Dillon, White Metal Games