What To Buy Next: Necromunda Add-Ons & Gang War

By Juan Lopez | November 28th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Necromunda Underhive Expacs Post

With Necromunda being finally released, come see the line up of what to buy next add-on wise for your Necromunda Gangs in the underhive.

With the review of the Necromunda: Underhive starter box out of the way, our very own Rob Baer has moved on to the accessories, expansions, and terrain that have accompanied the Necromunda release. This latest review will focus on the Necromunda gang miniatures expansion kits, gang cards, and the Gang War supplement to give you the the breakdown on what you could be spending your hobby dollars on this holiday season.

As always, for our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

Necromunda Expansions

Everything you see here adds to what can be found in the Necromunda starter box. Want a larger presence of your Escher or Goliath gangs, the miniatures kits will do that by adding 10 miniatures for $40. The Gang War supplement is not a standalone supplement but is meant to add to the Necromunda core rule book by supplementing rules for clashing above ground using Sector Mechanicus terrain, for example.

Also included is an entire section on how to run your very own Necromunda campaign. The gang cards packs add 26 extra cards to the decks included in the starter box. They add gang exclusive tactics, general gang tactics, and several blank fighter cards that are perfect for your leaders and champions.

Goliath Gang expansion

The Goliath Gang miniatures kit comes with two sprues that will give you ten miniatures. The instructions that are included are clear, easy to read, and do provide a few ways to customize your Goliath Gang. The head bits come in a front/back format so you can have different face/hairstyle combinations. Conversions using this kit will be easy to do since the torsos are one full piece. So, let your hobby juices flow with the customization possibilities.

The kit comes with 10 32mm Necromunda bases as well. The detail on these miniatures, from their studded armor to their brutal weaponry, is just great. You can see the design inspiration from the old Necromunda miniatures and even several post-apocalyptic films as well.

Escher Gang Cards

The Escher Gang Cards pack adds 8 Escher Tactics, 12 generic Gang Tactics, and 6 blank Fighter cards for your Escher champions and heroes to the base Escher deck in the Necromunda starter box. Something to note about the Gang Tactics cards. The Gang Tactics found in the Escher Gang Cards expansion pack will differ from the one found in the Goliath Gang expansion pack. The other 12 Gang Tactics can be used by any gang as well. For those that will be wanting to play Necromunda on a serious level, having as many Gang Tactics cards at your disposal will be the way to go. This does not take into account new gang expansions and cards that will be added later.

For more on these card decks, miniature kits, and the Gang War supplement, be sure to watch Rob;s full review video below!

Necromunda: Gang War: $30


Note: a copy of the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game is required to use this supplement.

The rules included with the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game cover battles set in the claustrophobic tunnels beneath the hives – but gangs also clash above ground, amid sprawling machinery that fills vast domes from ground to ceiling. Necromunda: Gang War is a set of rules that allow the players to use 3D terrain in their games, bringing a literal new dimension to their battles – and also an incredibly detailed campaign system, in which 2-6 (or more!) players develop their gangs, fight for territory and dominate the other Houses.

Contained in the 64-page softback:

Gang Wars in the Sector Mechanicus

This section is a set of advanced rules, covering the use of Citadel Sector Mechanicus scenery – or any 3-dimensional scenery pieces, with special rules for Zone Mortalis boards – in building your own bespoke battlegrounds. These rules do not cover specific terrain pieces, rather defining different types of terrain, meaning no adaptation should ever be needed. Included are new rules for line of sight, crossing obstacles, falling hazards, railings, slowed movement, climbing, overhangs, jumping downwards, traversing gaps and falling.


This section contains rules and guidelines for running a Necromunda campaign – a series of linked games which let players build their gang from newcomers to conquering destroyers, fending off threats from rivals and claiming territory in Turf Wars. This includes:

– The basic structure of a campaign, showing you how to found a gang using the included blank roster sheet, how to accrue and use experience to add skills and abilities to your fighters, how injuries and capturing enemies work during games, and fleeing the battlefield;
– Pre-battle sequence: limbering up before a Turf War is incredibly important, and this section will walk you through buying advancements and hired guns for your gang, determining the scenario to be played, crew selection and deployment;
– Post-battle sequence: how to determine victory and wrap up your game, divvy up the income gained from your exploits, receive rewards, increase (or decrease) your gang’s Turf, gain and lose reputation, visit trading posts to sell your spoils and seek out new and rare equipment, and retrieve injured fighters from the battlefield before updating your gang’s roster;
– Apotheosis: this is a set of extra rules that come into play at the climax of a campaign, representing the escalating clashes across the zones;
– Downtime: your gangs don’t rest when you do – this is a set of rules that come into play while your campaign is on hold, allowing your fighters time to prepare, recover and gird their loins for the next Turf War;
– A campaign reference, featuring easy to follow tables with which to quickly enforce many campaign rules, including lists of gear that can be found at the trading posts, a complete Armoury and quick-reference tables for the myriad skills and abilities available;
– House lists for Escher and Goliath gangs, containing all the information needed to assemble a complete gang of either House. This replaces the ‘Founding a Gang’ section from the Necromunda: Underhive rulebook entirely;
– 6 scenarios, which can be used for campaign or skirmish battles, which work with Sector Mechanicus scenery and Zone Mortalis boards.

Escher Gang: $40


House Escher is unique among the great Houses of Necromunda, for its gangs are made up entirely of women. Masters of pharmaceuticals and chemical manipulation, what an Escher may lack in terms of raw physical strength, she more than makes up for in speed, skill and sheer psychotic flair.

Assemble your own Escher gang – or add to the miniatures found in the Necromunda: Underhive box – with this set of 10 plastic miniatures. They’ve been designed to provide you with a huge amount of variety and options in assembly, meaning every gang will be unique. Included:

– 10 bodies – 2 each of 5 unique designs – each wearing flak armour. These have been designed with specific weapon options in mind, though of course you are free to model them as you see fit;
– 18 heads – 2 each of 9 unique designs – 4 featuring respirator masks. There are 14 different hairpieces – 2 each of 7 different designs – which can fit onto whichever head you choose;
– Weapons! There are quite a lot of these: 6 lasguns, 8 laspistols, 6 stiletto blades, 2 shotguns, 4 power swords, 2 autopistols, 2 shock whips, 2 needler/bolters, 2 plasma pistols, 2 chem-throwers and 2 autoguns, along with additional frag, krak and choke gas grenades, 4 sheathed stiletto blades and 2 sets of chem-synth packs.

Supplied with 10 25mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.

Goliath Gang: $40


The gangers that fight in the name of House Goliath are hulking brutes, each a pillar of muscle and pent-up violence ready to be unleashed. Far larger and stronger than an ordinary human, they flaunt their strength wherever they go and it is difficult to ignore the air of brutality which Goliaths wear like a mantle.

Assemble your own Goliath gang – or add to the miniatures found in the Necromunda: Underhive box – with this set of 10 plastic miniatures. They’ve been designed to provide you with a huge amount of variety and options in assembly, meaning every gang will be unique. Included:

– 10 bodies – 2 each of 5 unique designs – each wearing furnace plate armour. These have been designed with specific weapon options in mind, though of course you are free to model them as you see fit;
– 20 heads – 2 each of 10 unique designs – 4 featuring respirator masks. There are 10 mohawks, which can fit onto whichever head you choose;
– 10 chest plates, in 5 unique designs, with shoulder pads and leg plates for each miniature;
– Weapons! There are quite a lot of these: 2 brute cleavers, 2 pud-jackers, 4 stub cannon, 2 combat shotguns, 2 ‘Renderizer’ serrated axes, 2 automatic grenade launchers, 2 power hammers, 2 plasma combi-stubbers, 2 ‘Krumper’ rivet cannon and 2 stub guns are included, along with additional frag and krak grenades, 2 sheathed knives and 4 sets of stim stashes.

Supplied with 10 32mm Round bases, which feature sculpted textures that match the game board’s aesthetic.

Escher Gang Cards: $15


Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards. Included:

– 8 Escher Tactics cards, which are for the exclusive use of the Escher gang;
– 12 Gang Tactics cards, which can be used by any gang in Necromunda: Underhive;
– 6 blank Fighter cards – perfect for the Champions and Leaders in your gang deck, these have been stamped with the House Escher crest

Goliath Gang Cards: $15


Necromunda: Underhive contains a number of Tactics cards, which can be used to represent the myriad tricks and schemes employed by the gangs. Expand your games of Necromunda: Underhive – whichever gang you play – with this set of 26 extra cards. Included:

– 8 Goliath Tactics cards, which are for the exclusive use of the Goliath gang;
– 12 Gang Tactics cards, which can be used by any gang in Necromunda: Underhive;
– 6 blank Fighter cards – perfect for the Champions and Leaders in your gang deck, these have been stamped with the House Goliath crest.

These Necromunda expansions are available now at your local Games Workshop store or your FLGS. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing and review video below for the full review.

For more on Necromunda and all things Warhammer40k, visit Games Workshop!