Chaos Knights Army Box Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | June 20th, 2022 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

chaos-knights-army-box-unboxing-&-buildDon’t miss this new Chaos Knights Army Box unboxing as we build and magnetize all the Warhammer 40k models inside- check it out!

Rob is back unboxing the new Chaos and, most importantly, sees how to future-proof them. He’ll see what it takes to get the minis ready for the tabletop, show the size of the models, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them! 

We are going to show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Chaos Knights Army Box $265

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming

What’s the Value of the Box?

The Chaos Knights Army box contains the new Abominant and a box of two Karnivore models, codex, along with some transfer sheets and the data cards.

  • Knight Abominant $170 (Based on newer Imperial Knights, could go up)
  • 2x Karnivores $85 (Based on recent kits)
  • Special Edition Codex $55 (commonly confused with the more expensive limited edition books that are sold alongside the codex release)
  • Data Cards $29 (based on existing cards)

Army Box Retail Price: $265 Total MSRP: $339

Savings Versus Box Price: $74

We have hoped they would have left the retail price the same as the other Army boxes at $200, and not bumped it up at all. that would have been great value as you’re just basically paying for a single Knight-ish and then getting the rest for free.

That, however, was not the case. These boxes are somewhat of a gamble, and for them to actually make a profit, they have to sell a certain amount of kits. How it works with tooling new miniatures and actually producing them, there is a certain number they have to sell, so we expect to see this released in three different iterations.

With that said, most of the value here is in the data cards and codex as you only really save on the book and cards. Plus, the book could be outdated quite soon with all the FAQs and such. With all that said, is this a value? Not really. GW has to start looking at value and actually give people more bang for their buck.

Chaos Knights Army Box Unboxing, Magnetizing & Build:

Knights UnboxingYou get three sprues for the Karnivores and then 4 big chonky sprues for the Abominant.

Knights Unboxing 2The Chaos Knights Army Box also comes with the book and the cards.  Rob really likes how they did the plastic on this one, as it really kept everything in place and helps keep the book from bouncing around and getting damaged.


Knights Unboxing 3To start, the nice thing is you get both weapon variants for the Karnivores, so if you magnetize them, you can use all three datasheets interchangeably.

Knights Unboxing 4Unfortunately, you can’t do too much with posing these, but we’ll do some tricks with magnets later.

Knights Unboxing 5For the Abominant, there don’t seem too many big gotchas. However, you will want to magnetize the weapons so you can future-proof this mini. We’ll show you how don’t worry.

Knights Unboxing 6This is the first part where you will want to magnetize. You won’t have to drill anything out, but in this joint at the top, you want to magnetize so the weapons will work.

Knights Unboxing 7For the Karnivores, the one thing to note is you want to drill this part out and magnetize it before gluing.


Knights Unboxing 8The Karnivore sprue looks great as we have come to expect, and nothing seems too hard to build.

Knights Unboxing 9The Abominant sprue also looks amazing, and there are some small bits sure, but nothing too crazy.

Knights Unboxing 10One really nice thing about the weapons here is you can just slide a magnet right in here without having to drill anything out! If you’re wondering which magnets to use, we’ll show you everything below!

Built Minis & Magnetizing

Knights Unboxing 11The first thing we didn’t realize is magnetizing the waist is a little hard with the claws. So we ended up putting a 3/8 magnet for the bottom of the waist and a 5/8 for the top. 

Knights Unboxing 12For the weapons, we used 1/4 x 1/16 magnets for the top, which does have to be drilled out some. then for the weapons themselves, we used the 1/32 depth magnets, and they just slide right into the slots, so no real drilling for them. as you can see above. We’ll have the whole list of every magnet you need below.

Knights Unboxing 13It is nice that they give more weapon options, so you can use them all!

Knights Unboxing 14The Knight Abominate is huge! Rob left off a couple of the more chaos bits, but overall it looks great!

Knights Unboxing 15For the weapons, the 5/16 magnets on the weapons themselves fit in perfectly without any drilling. For the joint on the shoulder, you will also use the 5/16 magnet; you can actually fit that flush as well. You could drill it, but you really don’t have.

Knights Unboxing 16For the waist, you will use the exact same magnets as the Karnivore top. Just make sure to drill out the dome part a little as the waist has to go up inside.

Knights Unboxing 17One cool thing about this is that you don’t even have to glue the weapon parts together because they fit perfectly. That way, if GW comes out with another kit, you can just build and swap it potentially.

List of Magnets You’ll Need

How to Drill Out For Magnets

chaos knights how to magentizeRob uses this Hand Sized Pin Vice and drill bits to get the holes ready to go quickly for all the magnets.  Overall its a neat little offering by Games Workshop, and we are sure at some point, we’ll see these kits released separately as well in 2022.

Click Here To Get Your Chaos Knights Box!

After seeing this unboxing review, what do you think of how to magnetize the new Chaos Knights box? Did you pick one up?

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